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Sunday, January 29, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
How to win at poker on the long term
This is the best question you can ask yourself. There some important things that you should always keep in mind.: focus, attitude and will. Lets take every single one of them.
Focus in poker.
Focus and Preperation
Managing your chip stack
Reading bluffs
Minimum Requirements Part 1
Chip Tells
When is a $25 chip worth more
than $25?
Using your personality
The most dangerous card in the
Falling in love
Does it make a difference where's
you sit?
Compound Errors
Heads Up
Online Poker Tips Part Two
Online Poker Tips Part One
Minimum Requirements Part 2
Don't Do it
Putting Someone on an Exact Hand
A New Beginning
Building a Stack Part Two
Building a Stack Part One
It Was A Great Game
For the Record... Let's be honest
Bluffing (and showing bluffs)
Gaining information
The pain barrier
A Common Misconception
Making Deals
Page 1
Focus and Preperation
You are here: Home › Poker Articles & Features › Pro Tips › Page 2
› Focus and Preperation
"Have you ever found that sometimes you start tournaments well
and in others you just can't get 'tuned in'? Sometimes you make
finals but when the money counts you make mistakes and have
difficulty focusing? What should you do about it?
Let us consider a trained athlete just before he/she runs in the
100M final at the Olympics. What do they do? Are they in the bar
(having a beer or chatting to their friends in the crowd? Not usually.
They can be seen 'blocking out' all outside interferences. They may
be sat with their heads in their hands or standing with their heads
bowed. What do they think about? Winning ! Having that gold
medal placed around their necks!
How do they achieve the 'focus' that everyone talks about? They
probably go through races in their heads that they've won. They
'pump themselves up' by going through past victories in their
Let's apply this to poker.
First though, go through all the hands that you've played badly
(some people will take longer than others ;-) ). Think about hands
that you've played that have knocked you out of tournaments at
crucial stages. The time that you played AQ (or even that lousy AJ)
against a good players pre-flop raise, hit the Ace on the flop and
decimated your stack of chips. The time that you called a raise for
ALL your chips with pocket sevens or the time that you made an
early position raise with pocket nines, fell in love with them and
refused to pass for a re-raise on your left !
Now that that's out of the way, think about hands you've played
well. The 'perfect' reads that you've put on opponents because
everything seemed so transparent, the finals that you've made and
the tournaments that you've won. Can you remember the way you
played through those victorious finals, how quickly the time
seemed to pass and how confident you felt? This is how you can
gain the 'poker focus' that you need and slip straight into your 'A'
game at the start of the next tournament that you play.
Mike Caro once said that when you join a poker game say to
yourself, 'I am a GREAT poker player; a powerful winning force
surrounds me.' He had a point !
Next month we have a very simple Pro Tip but an important one.
There is a trap that many players fall into again and again without
actually realising. We will show you how to avoid it !……………
Profitable Poker Attitude
Becoming a great poker player is having the right attitude towards
every situation in the game. A good player possesses an attitude
which leads to profitable results. A poor player, on the other
hand, entertains views about poker that can be best described as
obscure, if not disadvantageous.
For example, poor players view the game of poker as an activity
that provides the mind an escape from the everyday bustle and
work pressure. But good players join a poker table knowing that
the game demands sharp focus and intense mental concentration.
They also make sure they pick the best poker software.
During a game, the poor player believes that winning the pot is the
ultimate goal. But the good poker player is more concerned about
playing his hand astutely. Winning is welcome but secondary.
Related to this, a poor player’s decisions are contingent on
whether he is winning or losing. That is, when he is winning, he is
likely to believe that lady luck is right beside him. A good player,
on the other hand, is not affected by his winnings nor bothered by
his losses. He is aware of the psychological effects of winning and
losing but he chooses not to be swayed them.
A poor poker player thinks of wild games as pseudo-poker. This
poor player believes that no self-respecting skilled player should
get involve in wild games. But the good poker player has a
completely different point of view. The good player welcomes wild
games because these give him more opportunities to win. Wild
games actually call for superior poker skills.
The poor poker player does not really know what an ante increase
implies. His feelings towards it can be ambivalent. On the other
hand, a good poker player realizes that an ante increase induces
players to be looser. He also realizes that such will put the tight
players at a disadvantage.
In no-limit poker, the poor player tends to back out. He has the
impression that no-limit poker is only for those who are
considered pros. But the good player looks forward to the
challenge of no-limits . He knows that he will have greater
advantage because the higher stakes can induce his opponents to
commit mistakes.
When the play is already past the time limit, the poor player
fancies that his chances of winning are greatly reduced. But the
good player exploits this situation. He appreciates the fact that his
opponents are tired and losing their concentration. This certainly
increases his own chances of winning.
A person who intends to be good at playing poker should analyze
which attitudes he possesses. If he already has the attitudes of a
good player, then his winning statistics is most likely high. If he
has the attitudes of the poor player, then he needs to implement
some serious changes.
There are many differences between expert poker players
and their less skilled counterparts. One such area is the
ability to decipher subtle clues as to what their opponents
most likely holdings are. Many of these subtle clues fall
under the category of “tells”. A tell is essentially anything
that gives away the strength of an opponents hand. They
often involve the timing or manner in which a player bets,
or something that they may say during a hand. In the
movies it is more often a specific mannerism, like the
eating of an Oreo cookie when a player has a very strong
hand. In real life tells are rarely so exact.
Tells are one part of a puzzle that when put together with
other parts, tell the story that is a poker hand. Rarely is a
tell strong enough to be trusted completely. You generally
will need corroborating evidence before taking action. No
tell is true 100% of the time. Not only do some players
naturally act differently but sophisticated opponents will
occasionally send off “reverse tells”, intended to deceive
Many players object to online poker because they do not
think there are any tells. This is not entirely true. Astute
online players will pick up on many things that will help
them to read their opponents hands. These will be covered
in detail later.
Although the individual tells that are covered in this
article should prove valuable, the underlying principles
are worth much more. If you understand why a player
exhibits one tell or another, then you will be able to
pinpoint other tells that occur for the same reasons. This
is when you will start to get many subtle clues to the
strength of your opponents hand.
No discussion on tells would be complete without
mentioning Mike Caro. His book, and later video, The
Body Language of Poker is the most complete treatment
ever given to the subject. Both the book and video have
hundreds of photos that illustrate different tells. The
book has however been widely read by expert poker
players so you must use caution against sophisticated
opponents. That said, Caro covers the basics and teaches
the principles that still hold true.
There is no magic trick that will ensure large wins at the
poker table. There are a million small tricks and the more
of them you master the better your results will be.
Identifying tells is one of these tricks that good players
rely on to narrow down their opponents holding.
Brick and Mortar Tells
Strong Means Weak and Weak Means Strong
This is one of Caro’s major themes, and it is an important
concept to understand. Players often do not even
consciously understand that they are acting in this
fashion. On a subconscious level they want to disguise
their holding and if they know it is weak they are likely to
act strong (or vice versa) in an attempt to fool you.
Bluffing players will often bet with excessive force or
slam their chips onto the table. A player with a monster
hand will often bet very passively, as if he does not want
to arouse excess suspicion.
There are countless variations on this one principle and it
is always valuable to be alert for it. For instance, a player
who stares directly at you is less likely to hold a monster
than someone who is attempting to feign disinterest.
Although this is one of the most important characteristic
of tells there is one caveat to them. They are among the
easiest types of tells to fake and sophisticated opponents
will try to trick you by exhibiting reverse tells.
Although this is one of the easiest and most common type
tells to spot it is also one of the most valuable.
Understanding this concept will allow you to pick up
many subtle clues that will add to your bottom line.
Although many individual tells will be discussed you will
find that a great many of them fall under this category.
Players Who are Eating or Reading
Players who are eating, reading, or otherwise engaged are
much less likely to bluff than they normally would be. Be
cautious of a player who sits up from his meal to make a
big raise. You generally need a very strong hand to
continue in this spot. If a player is engrossed in a sports
game on television, that you know he has a big bet riding
on, be very careful if they suddenly make a big bet or
raise. Anytime a players attention is focused on
something other than the poker game they are less likely
to bluff than they usually are. It does not mean that they
are incapable of bluffing, but it does make them
significantly less likely.
Players Who Shake Their Heads or Roll Their Eyes
This is another example of weak means strong. When a
player sees the flop and then shakes their head or rolls
their eyes they generally have made a good hand. Proceed
with caution in these scenarios.
There are a million variations on this type of tell. Any sad
action or face is more likely to be great strength than
Players Who Glance Quickly at Their Chips After Looking
at the Flop
Unlike most of the other tells covered, this tell is not an
act. It is a subconscious reaction to seeing what they think
is a profitable situation. This is different than a long
lingering glance at their chips. It is an almost
imperceptible glance, and they will then quickly look
away from their chips. This usually means that they have
made a very strong hand.
Players who Talk
Often times you will find yourself up against an opponent
who likes to, or is at least willing to, engage in
conversation during the play of a hand. Often times
valuable information will be passed on. Players who are
gregarious and talkative during a hand are more likely to
have a strong hand. They are mentally relaxed enough to
converse freely. If a normally talkative player is silent
then they are more likely to be bluffing. They do not want
to do anything to arouse suspicion in their opponents. If
in response to a question a player spouts near gibberish,
then if it is not an act, he is more likely to be bluffing than
One interesting tell I have noticed about players who talk
during a hand is that they tell the truth more often than
not about what they hold. This can be just as confusing, if
you do not know this tell, but if you find someone who
routinely tells the truth it can be valuable information. It
has been my experience that when a player says “I
promise” that he rarely is lying. For instance a player
may say “I promise I don’t have the Ace of Spades” after
making a big bet on the river if there are 4 spades on the
board, as well as a pair. This player almost certainly does
not have the Ace of Spades and is in fact much more likely
to have a full house in this instance. Do not assume this
player is weak, in fact, he is much more likely to be very,
very strong. If you happen to have the Ace of Spades
though, be careful, as he is also almost certainly not
You will encounter some players who are so good at
randomizing what they say that you will not be able to get
any valuable information from them. More often,
however, players will betray their holdings by what they
say and you should pay attention, and ask questions when
Focus in poker.
Focus and Preperation
Managing your chip stack
Reading bluffs
Minimum Requirements Part 1
Chip Tells
When is a $25 chip worth more
than $25?
Using your personality
The most dangerous card in the
Falling in love
Does it make a difference where's
you sit?
Compound Errors
Heads Up
Online Poker Tips Part Two
Online Poker Tips Part One
Minimum Requirements Part 2
Don't Do it
Putting Someone on an Exact Hand
A New Beginning
Building a Stack Part Two
Building a Stack Part One
It Was A Great Game
For the Record... Let's be honest
Bluffing (and showing bluffs)
Gaining information
The pain barrier
A Common Misconception
Making Deals
Page 1
Focus and Preperation
You are here: Home › Poker Articles & Features › Pro Tips › Page 2
› Focus and Preperation
"Have you ever found that sometimes you start tournaments well
and in others you just can't get 'tuned in'? Sometimes you make
finals but when the money counts you make mistakes and have
difficulty focusing? What should you do about it?
Let us consider a trained athlete just before he/she runs in the
100M final at the Olympics. What do they do? Are they in the bar
(having a beer or chatting to their friends in the crowd? Not usually.
They can be seen 'blocking out' all outside interferences. They may
be sat with their heads in their hands or standing with their heads
bowed. What do they think about? Winning ! Having that gold
medal placed around their necks!
How do they achieve the 'focus' that everyone talks about? They
probably go through races in their heads that they've won. They
'pump themselves up' by going through past victories in their
Let's apply this to poker.
First though, go through all the hands that you've played badly
(some people will take longer than others ;-) ). Think about hands
that you've played that have knocked you out of tournaments at
crucial stages. The time that you played AQ (or even that lousy AJ)
against a good players pre-flop raise, hit the Ace on the flop and
decimated your stack of chips. The time that you called a raise for
ALL your chips with pocket sevens or the time that you made an
early position raise with pocket nines, fell in love with them and
refused to pass for a re-raise on your left !
Now that that's out of the way, think about hands you've played
well. The 'perfect' reads that you've put on opponents because
everything seemed so transparent, the finals that you've made and
the tournaments that you've won. Can you remember the way you
played through those victorious finals, how quickly the time
seemed to pass and how confident you felt? This is how you can
gain the 'poker focus' that you need and slip straight into your 'A'
game at the start of the next tournament that you play.
Mike Caro once said that when you join a poker game say to
yourself, 'I am a GREAT poker player; a powerful winning force
surrounds me.' He had a point !
Next month we have a very simple Pro Tip but an important one.
There is a trap that many players fall into again and again without
actually realising. We will show you how to avoid it !……………
Profitable Poker Attitude
Becoming a great poker player is having the right attitude towards
every situation in the game. A good player possesses an attitude
which leads to profitable results. A poor player, on the other
hand, entertains views about poker that can be best described as
obscure, if not disadvantageous.
For example, poor players view the game of poker as an activity
that provides the mind an escape from the everyday bustle and
work pressure. But good players join a poker table knowing that
the game demands sharp focus and intense mental concentration.
They also make sure they pick the best poker software.
During a game, the poor player believes that winning the pot is the
ultimate goal. But the good poker player is more concerned about
playing his hand astutely. Winning is welcome but secondary.
Related to this, a poor player’s decisions are contingent on
whether he is winning or losing. That is, when he is winning, he is
likely to believe that lady luck is right beside him. A good player,
on the other hand, is not affected by his winnings nor bothered by
his losses. He is aware of the psychological effects of winning and
losing but he chooses not to be swayed them.
A poor poker player thinks of wild games as pseudo-poker. This
poor player believes that no self-respecting skilled player should
get involve in wild games. But the good poker player has a
completely different point of view. The good player welcomes wild
games because these give him more opportunities to win. Wild
games actually call for superior poker skills.
The poor poker player does not really know what an ante increase
implies. His feelings towards it can be ambivalent. On the other
hand, a good poker player realizes that an ante increase induces
players to be looser. He also realizes that such will put the tight
players at a disadvantage.
In no-limit poker, the poor player tends to back out. He has the
impression that no-limit poker is only for those who are
considered pros. But the good player looks forward to the
challenge of no-limits . He knows that he will have greater
advantage because the higher stakes can induce his opponents to
commit mistakes.
When the play is already past the time limit, the poor player
fancies that his chances of winning are greatly reduced. But the
good player exploits this situation. He appreciates the fact that his
opponents are tired and losing their concentration. This certainly
increases his own chances of winning.
A person who intends to be good at playing poker should analyze
which attitudes he possesses. If he already has the attitudes of a
good player, then his winning statistics is most likely high. If he
has the attitudes of the poor player, then he needs to implement
some serious changes.
There are many differences between expert poker players
and their less skilled counterparts. One such area is the
ability to decipher subtle clues as to what their opponents
most likely holdings are. Many of these subtle clues fall
under the category of “tells”. A tell is essentially anything
that gives away the strength of an opponents hand. They
often involve the timing or manner in which a player bets,
or something that they may say during a hand. In the
movies it is more often a specific mannerism, like the
eating of an Oreo cookie when a player has a very strong
hand. In real life tells are rarely so exact.
Tells are one part of a puzzle that when put together with
other parts, tell the story that is a poker hand. Rarely is a
tell strong enough to be trusted completely. You generally
will need corroborating evidence before taking action. No
tell is true 100% of the time. Not only do some players
naturally act differently but sophisticated opponents will
occasionally send off “reverse tells”, intended to deceive
Many players object to online poker because they do not
think there are any tells. This is not entirely true. Astute
online players will pick up on many things that will help
them to read their opponents hands. These will be covered
in detail later.
Although the individual tells that are covered in this
article should prove valuable, the underlying principles
are worth much more. If you understand why a player
exhibits one tell or another, then you will be able to
pinpoint other tells that occur for the same reasons. This
is when you will start to get many subtle clues to the
strength of your opponents hand.
No discussion on tells would be complete without
mentioning Mike Caro. His book, and later video, The
Body Language of Poker is the most complete treatment
ever given to the subject. Both the book and video have
hundreds of photos that illustrate different tells. The
book has however been widely read by expert poker
players so you must use caution against sophisticated
opponents. That said, Caro covers the basics and teaches
the principles that still hold true.
There is no magic trick that will ensure large wins at the
poker table. There are a million small tricks and the more
of them you master the better your results will be.
Identifying tells is one of these tricks that good players
rely on to narrow down their opponents holding.
Brick and Mortar Tells
Strong Means Weak and Weak Means Strong
This is one of Caro’s major themes, and it is an important
concept to understand. Players often do not even
consciously understand that they are acting in this
fashion. On a subconscious level they want to disguise
their holding and if they know it is weak they are likely to
act strong (or vice versa) in an attempt to fool you.
Bluffing players will often bet with excessive force or
slam their chips onto the table. A player with a monster
hand will often bet very passively, as if he does not want
to arouse excess suspicion.
There are countless variations on this one principle and it
is always valuable to be alert for it. For instance, a player
who stares directly at you is less likely to hold a monster
than someone who is attempting to feign disinterest.
Although this is one of the most important characteristic
of tells there is one caveat to them. They are among the
easiest types of tells to fake and sophisticated opponents
will try to trick you by exhibiting reverse tells.
Although this is one of the easiest and most common type
tells to spot it is also one of the most valuable.
Understanding this concept will allow you to pick up
many subtle clues that will add to your bottom line.
Although many individual tells will be discussed you will
find that a great many of them fall under this category.
Players Who are Eating or Reading
Players who are eating, reading, or otherwise engaged are
much less likely to bluff than they normally would be. Be
cautious of a player who sits up from his meal to make a
big raise. You generally need a very strong hand to
continue in this spot. If a player is engrossed in a sports
game on television, that you know he has a big bet riding
on, be very careful if they suddenly make a big bet or
raise. Anytime a players attention is focused on
something other than the poker game they are less likely
to bluff than they usually are. It does not mean that they
are incapable of bluffing, but it does make them
significantly less likely.
Players Who Shake Their Heads or Roll Their Eyes
This is another example of weak means strong. When a
player sees the flop and then shakes their head or rolls
their eyes they generally have made a good hand. Proceed
with caution in these scenarios.
There are a million variations on this type of tell. Any sad
action or face is more likely to be great strength than
Players Who Glance Quickly at Their Chips After Looking
at the Flop
Unlike most of the other tells covered, this tell is not an
act. It is a subconscious reaction to seeing what they think
is a profitable situation. This is different than a long
lingering glance at their chips. It is an almost
imperceptible glance, and they will then quickly look
away from their chips. This usually means that they have
made a very strong hand.
Players who Talk
Often times you will find yourself up against an opponent
who likes to, or is at least willing to, engage in
conversation during the play of a hand. Often times
valuable information will be passed on. Players who are
gregarious and talkative during a hand are more likely to
have a strong hand. They are mentally relaxed enough to
converse freely. If a normally talkative player is silent
then they are more likely to be bluffing. They do not want
to do anything to arouse suspicion in their opponents. If
in response to a question a player spouts near gibberish,
then if it is not an act, he is more likely to be bluffing than
One interesting tell I have noticed about players who talk
during a hand is that they tell the truth more often than
not about what they hold. This can be just as confusing, if
you do not know this tell, but if you find someone who
routinely tells the truth it can be valuable information. It
has been my experience that when a player says “I
promise” that he rarely is lying. For instance a player
may say “I promise I don’t have the Ace of Spades” after
making a big bet on the river if there are 4 spades on the
board, as well as a pair. This player almost certainly does
not have the Ace of Spades and is in fact much more likely
to have a full house in this instance. Do not assume this
player is weak, in fact, he is much more likely to be very,
very strong. If you happen to have the Ace of Spades
though, be careful, as he is also almost certainly not
You will encounter some players who are so good at
randomizing what they say that you will not be able to get
any valuable information from them. More often,
however, players will betray their holdings by what they
say and you should pay attention, and ask questions when
how to win at poker
Amazing post
Gamble or Die
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Mike at 1:28 PM
Week 16 & 17 - Annie L.A.
In 3 or 4 parts
Part 1...
I haven't bet a game since I got cleaned out
Sunday afternoon. It's Wednesday. This is the
longest I've gone without having money on
something since the 90's. I put the Sunday
Night Football game on and was asleep on the
couch by halftime. On Monday, the biggest day
of the year in College Football, I didn't watch
one minute of any of the six bowl games. I
can't remember the last time I missed a Rose
Bowl. When I was two? Three? It can't get any
more depressing than to get out of bed, when
there's a game on, and you're too broke to bet
it. When I did finally crawl out of bed at 3pm, I
was so despondent, I agree to hang out with
Annie for the day. We went to the mall. Got
something to eat at P.F . Chang's (I had them
seat us way in the back, away from the T.V . at
the bar.) I ate some dumplings and Annie told
me she's been reading the fucking blog since
the beginning and is concerned about the
gambling. She doesn't think we can work if I
continue to bet the games. I assured her it's at
least 80% fiction and told her she should
probably stop reading the fucking blog. She
agreed and promised to do so. No mention of
wanting to fuck our shrink or anything like that.
Genius. Anyway, we came back to the
apartment and watched season three of Curb
Your Enthusiasm until we both passed out. The
Curb is my favorite T.V . show of all time, and
season three is my favorite season of The Curb .
But still. ... with all the nice things that
happened... Monday was one of the worst
fucking days of my life.
Here it is Thursday. I'm back in the game. I
deposited a couple hundred last night and
banged West Virginia. Easy winner. I've got it all
on Michigan catchin' 7 against Indiana. I put
the bet in last night so I didn't lose everything
on horses today before the game started. So
I'm gonna make some eggs, sunny side up (I
like to dip the toast), and go for a fucking jog. I
feel like shit - and it's all Annie's fault. The
bullshit that broad pulls. The nagging, the
endless flirting in front of my eyes, the selfish
acts of cruelty. Yesterday these reflections left
me alone. Today is my day to obsess over
them. What the hell am I gonna do? I have to
have a clear head to throw down this blog. This
jog better work. If it doesn't I'm gonna have to
go to a yoga class, and I'm not down with
yoga. If the yoga doesn't work I'm gonna have
to hop on a plane to Berlin. Fucking Berlin.
an hour or so later... .
What's the deal with these headphones you put
straight into your ear? Particularly these white
Apple ones. They won't stay in my goddamn
ear. I look around and every broad I pass
seems to have no problem at all, while I spend
most of my jog putting these fucking things
back into my ear. I'm gonna have to go buy a
headband. I hate any form of headband, and
the people that wear them. Fuck.
The good thing is I got this blog figured out by
mile three. Once I get into this blog it's over. I
can chill with the obsessive thoughts for a bit
until it's done. So I'm firing up The Joy
Formidable, strapping on a real pair of
headphones - fucking sunnheiser - and doin this
shit. Let's go. Fucking Saints!
Somewhere in Pasadena... Early 2008
It's a little after 4pm pst. I' m sitting at the bar
at Barney's Beanery somewhere in Pasadena.
I'm drinking a Stella and watching the first
halves of a few shitty college and NBA games.
I'm sitting at the right corner of the bar. I
always sit here because they have three small
T.V. 's, as well as a couple larger HD ones. I
usually try to get here at least ten minutes
before 4, so I can have the bartender set me
up with all my games. That way if someone sits
down next to me and wants to watch another
game he can't.. ..he simply can't.
I have my charger plugged into a outlet in the
back behind an old Donkey Kong machine.
There's a neon Bud sign back there that's the
only thing in the bar I can unplug without
anyone noticing. I drop a few quarters into that
fucking machine every now and then. King of
Kong. Great fucking movie.
Annie will be here, as she always is, a little after
five to pick me up. This is routine. This is the
thing. She works for a newspaper here in "The
Dena ", her first job straight out of college. She
gets up around 8:15 and leaves the apartment
at 8:45 to go to work. I'm living with her, and
have to get up with her, because I'm not
allowed to be in the apartment (she has two
roomates) when she's not there. This is not her
rule, it's Lisa's, this big Asian broad who owns
the apartment. You see a couple months ago, a
week before Christmas, I flooded the fucking
apartment. And when I say flooded, I mean the
bottom floor was like a giant kiddie pool. You
put a little slide in the middle of that thing and
you'd never have to see your kids again.
It goes like this. I'm doing laundry in the early
afternoon... .
I put my t-shirts on hangers (I hang dry those
fuckers) and hang them up all over Annie's
room. I have one shirt left and nowhere to
hang it. Annie has a little balcony outside of her
room. I walk out there and look up at the
ceiling. There's an old sprinkler up there. It
looks like it's been there since the 70's. There's
no fucking way that thing works. I hook my t-
shirt right on that guy and I'm immediately
blasted by this purple shit, which turns out to
be water, and almost knocked right off the
balcony. When the shock wears off, and I
realize exactly what I've done and the
magnitude of the situation I now find myself in,
I try to stop it with my finger. That doesn't
work. I decide to get the hell out of there and
run into the bathroom. I grab a towel and check
myself in the mirror. I look like Grimace. I
towel myself off and go back out on that
fucking balcony. The stuff pouring out of that
damn sprinkler actually looks like real water by
now. Again I'm up into that sprinkler with my
fingers. I try to find a button or something to
stop it... like it's a fire detector or something. At
this point the water is flowing inside and
beginning to fill up Annie's bedroom. I plead
with the sprinkler to stop with the fucking
water. If I wasn't me I would have cried.
Finally I say fuck it. I'm beat. I towel myself off
and call 911. Hello. Yeah I kinda made a big
mistake here and need a little help.. .HELP!
I call Annie. She's pretty calm, but then again
she doesn't see me standing in the middle of
her bedroom with water up to my ankles. She
gives me the big Asians number. Fuck. I really
don't want to talk to the big Asian. I call her and
as I'm telling her her apartments under water I
hear the sirens. She tells me she's on her way
and hangs up the phone. I wade downstairs
and open the door for these assholes. At this
point water is rolling down from the ceiling and
the water level was beginning to climb. I
actually have a pretty good grasp on the
situation at this point and feel like the only way
to save us all is to find the fail safe switch in the
apartment complex. I mean there's got to be a
fucking fail safe doesn't there? Anyway, the lead
fireguy leads a small crew upstairs to the water
park. The bastard is carrying a piece a wood in
his right hand. Isn't there a fail safe man? He
tells me a couple of his guys are trying to locate
it as we speak. So when we get upstairs this
guy, all done up like Baldwin in Backdraft , goes
out onto the balcony with this piece of wood
and tries to stop this shit. He's out there for
about five minutes getting blasted and having
no success. Finally, he taps out and hands the
piece of wood to one of his guys. His guy's out
there for less than a minute before he taps out.
I try to be a hero and ask them to give me the
piece of wood so I can have a go at it buy they
don't even acknowledge me. Then the lead
bastard gets on the walkie talkie and says
something in fireman code I guess since I
couldn't understand a word of it. A couple
minutes later this guy comes up the stairs
wearing an all black fire suit with a pair of black
ski goggles on. The lead bastard hands him the
piece of wood. This fire sniper guy walks out on
the patio and within thirty seconds he stops the
flood with that fucking piece of wood. He
immediately leaves the room, never to be seen
It turns out the sprinkler system is so old that
there's no fail safe, at least not one that works.
The fireman had to turn of the water supply to
the entire street (or something like that; no idea
how that works.) My goal at this point is to get
the hell away from that apartment complex as
soon as possible without having to talk to Lisa.
But the only entrance is through this courtyard
on the side of the building, and there's no away
around that big Asian. As I walk by her whole
body shifts, almost jumps around and she
squares right up, seemingly ready to come at
me like she's Bruce Lee. Fuck I hope she doesn't
know karate. I'm speechless. I feel like if I try
to speak she'll smack me in the face. So I just
shrug my shoulders, turn, and walk out just like
I would if I was stealing a coffee from Whole
Annie oh Annie. It's amazing she didn't dump
me right then and there. She's either a saint, or
just really desperate for a boyfriend. At this
point it could go either way I think. A couple
weeks earlier, I spilled a tall glass of water on
her laptop while she was at work. The thing
went to sleep. I called my friend T. (because
I'm an idiot who knows nothing and couldn't fix
anything if I did), who tells me, god love her, to
get a blow dryer and blow dry the fucker. So I
take her advice, and after a couple minutes of
waving this thing on top of the laptop, I notice
the S key is melting. I call the Apple store. They
tell me it'll probably cost around $800 to
repair. I laugh for a few minutes then crawl
under the covers. When Annie gets home and I
show her the laptop she says, "well it was
getting old and I'm going to need a new one for
law school anyway." As she did then, she does
now with this flood. "Accidents happen," she
says. "Seems like it was the buildings fault. I
think Lisa has a pretty good insurance plan." I
get off with a $1000 deductible - which Annie
pays and which I've yet to pay her back for -
and banishment from the apartment during
daytime hours. Not such a bad deal
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Mike at 1:28 PM
Week 16 & 17 - Annie L.A.
In 3 or 4 parts
Part 1...
I haven't bet a game since I got cleaned out
Sunday afternoon. It's Wednesday. This is the
longest I've gone without having money on
something since the 90's. I put the Sunday
Night Football game on and was asleep on the
couch by halftime. On Monday, the biggest day
of the year in College Football, I didn't watch
one minute of any of the six bowl games. I
can't remember the last time I missed a Rose
Bowl. When I was two? Three? It can't get any
more depressing than to get out of bed, when
there's a game on, and you're too broke to bet
it. When I did finally crawl out of bed at 3pm, I
was so despondent, I agree to hang out with
Annie for the day. We went to the mall. Got
something to eat at P.F . Chang's (I had them
seat us way in the back, away from the T.V . at
the bar.) I ate some dumplings and Annie told
me she's been reading the fucking blog since
the beginning and is concerned about the
gambling. She doesn't think we can work if I
continue to bet the games. I assured her it's at
least 80% fiction and told her she should
probably stop reading the fucking blog. She
agreed and promised to do so. No mention of
wanting to fuck our shrink or anything like that.
Genius. Anyway, we came back to the
apartment and watched season three of Curb
Your Enthusiasm until we both passed out. The
Curb is my favorite T.V . show of all time, and
season three is my favorite season of The Curb .
But still. ... with all the nice things that
happened... Monday was one of the worst
fucking days of my life.
Here it is Thursday. I'm back in the game. I
deposited a couple hundred last night and
banged West Virginia. Easy winner. I've got it all
on Michigan catchin' 7 against Indiana. I put
the bet in last night so I didn't lose everything
on horses today before the game started. So
I'm gonna make some eggs, sunny side up (I
like to dip the toast), and go for a fucking jog. I
feel like shit - and it's all Annie's fault. The
bullshit that broad pulls. The nagging, the
endless flirting in front of my eyes, the selfish
acts of cruelty. Yesterday these reflections left
me alone. Today is my day to obsess over
them. What the hell am I gonna do? I have to
have a clear head to throw down this blog. This
jog better work. If it doesn't I'm gonna have to
go to a yoga class, and I'm not down with
yoga. If the yoga doesn't work I'm gonna have
to hop on a plane to Berlin. Fucking Berlin.
an hour or so later... .
What's the deal with these headphones you put
straight into your ear? Particularly these white
Apple ones. They won't stay in my goddamn
ear. I look around and every broad I pass
seems to have no problem at all, while I spend
most of my jog putting these fucking things
back into my ear. I'm gonna have to go buy a
headband. I hate any form of headband, and
the people that wear them. Fuck.
The good thing is I got this blog figured out by
mile three. Once I get into this blog it's over. I
can chill with the obsessive thoughts for a bit
until it's done. So I'm firing up The Joy
Formidable, strapping on a real pair of
headphones - fucking sunnheiser - and doin this
shit. Let's go. Fucking Saints!
Somewhere in Pasadena... Early 2008
It's a little after 4pm pst. I' m sitting at the bar
at Barney's Beanery somewhere in Pasadena.
I'm drinking a Stella and watching the first
halves of a few shitty college and NBA games.
I'm sitting at the right corner of the bar. I
always sit here because they have three small
T.V. 's, as well as a couple larger HD ones. I
usually try to get here at least ten minutes
before 4, so I can have the bartender set me
up with all my games. That way if someone sits
down next to me and wants to watch another
game he can't.. ..he simply can't.
I have my charger plugged into a outlet in the
back behind an old Donkey Kong machine.
There's a neon Bud sign back there that's the
only thing in the bar I can unplug without
anyone noticing. I drop a few quarters into that
fucking machine every now and then. King of
Kong. Great fucking movie.
Annie will be here, as she always is, a little after
five to pick me up. This is routine. This is the
thing. She works for a newspaper here in "The
Dena ", her first job straight out of college. She
gets up around 8:15 and leaves the apartment
at 8:45 to go to work. I'm living with her, and
have to get up with her, because I'm not
allowed to be in the apartment (she has two
roomates) when she's not there. This is not her
rule, it's Lisa's, this big Asian broad who owns
the apartment. You see a couple months ago, a
week before Christmas, I flooded the fucking
apartment. And when I say flooded, I mean the
bottom floor was like a giant kiddie pool. You
put a little slide in the middle of that thing and
you'd never have to see your kids again.
It goes like this. I'm doing laundry in the early
afternoon... .
I put my t-shirts on hangers (I hang dry those
fuckers) and hang them up all over Annie's
room. I have one shirt left and nowhere to
hang it. Annie has a little balcony outside of her
room. I walk out there and look up at the
ceiling. There's an old sprinkler up there. It
looks like it's been there since the 70's. There's
no fucking way that thing works. I hook my t-
shirt right on that guy and I'm immediately
blasted by this purple shit, which turns out to
be water, and almost knocked right off the
balcony. When the shock wears off, and I
realize exactly what I've done and the
magnitude of the situation I now find myself in,
I try to stop it with my finger. That doesn't
work. I decide to get the hell out of there and
run into the bathroom. I grab a towel and check
myself in the mirror. I look like Grimace. I
towel myself off and go back out on that
fucking balcony. The stuff pouring out of that
damn sprinkler actually looks like real water by
now. Again I'm up into that sprinkler with my
fingers. I try to find a button or something to
stop it... like it's a fire detector or something. At
this point the water is flowing inside and
beginning to fill up Annie's bedroom. I plead
with the sprinkler to stop with the fucking
water. If I wasn't me I would have cried.
Finally I say fuck it. I'm beat. I towel myself off
and call 911. Hello. Yeah I kinda made a big
mistake here and need a little help.. .HELP!
I call Annie. She's pretty calm, but then again
she doesn't see me standing in the middle of
her bedroom with water up to my ankles. She
gives me the big Asians number. Fuck. I really
don't want to talk to the big Asian. I call her and
as I'm telling her her apartments under water I
hear the sirens. She tells me she's on her way
and hangs up the phone. I wade downstairs
and open the door for these assholes. At this
point water is rolling down from the ceiling and
the water level was beginning to climb. I
actually have a pretty good grasp on the
situation at this point and feel like the only way
to save us all is to find the fail safe switch in the
apartment complex. I mean there's got to be a
fucking fail safe doesn't there? Anyway, the lead
fireguy leads a small crew upstairs to the water
park. The bastard is carrying a piece a wood in
his right hand. Isn't there a fail safe man? He
tells me a couple of his guys are trying to locate
it as we speak. So when we get upstairs this
guy, all done up like Baldwin in Backdraft , goes
out onto the balcony with this piece of wood
and tries to stop this shit. He's out there for
about five minutes getting blasted and having
no success. Finally, he taps out and hands the
piece of wood to one of his guys. His guy's out
there for less than a minute before he taps out.
I try to be a hero and ask them to give me the
piece of wood so I can have a go at it buy they
don't even acknowledge me. Then the lead
bastard gets on the walkie talkie and says
something in fireman code I guess since I
couldn't understand a word of it. A couple
minutes later this guy comes up the stairs
wearing an all black fire suit with a pair of black
ski goggles on. The lead bastard hands him the
piece of wood. This fire sniper guy walks out on
the patio and within thirty seconds he stops the
flood with that fucking piece of wood. He
immediately leaves the room, never to be seen
It turns out the sprinkler system is so old that
there's no fail safe, at least not one that works.
The fireman had to turn of the water supply to
the entire street (or something like that; no idea
how that works.) My goal at this point is to get
the hell away from that apartment complex as
soon as possible without having to talk to Lisa.
But the only entrance is through this courtyard
on the side of the building, and there's no away
around that big Asian. As I walk by her whole
body shifts, almost jumps around and she
squares right up, seemingly ready to come at
me like she's Bruce Lee. Fuck I hope she doesn't
know karate. I'm speechless. I feel like if I try
to speak she'll smack me in the face. So I just
shrug my shoulders, turn, and walk out just like
I would if I was stealing a coffee from Whole
Annie oh Annie. It's amazing she didn't dump
me right then and there. She's either a saint, or
just really desperate for a boyfriend. At this
point it could go either way I think. A couple
weeks earlier, I spilled a tall glass of water on
her laptop while she was at work. The thing
went to sleep. I called my friend T. (because
I'm an idiot who knows nothing and couldn't fix
anything if I did), who tells me, god love her, to
get a blow dryer and blow dry the fucker. So I
take her advice, and after a couple minutes of
waving this thing on top of the laptop, I notice
the S key is melting. I call the Apple store. They
tell me it'll probably cost around $800 to
repair. I laugh for a few minutes then crawl
under the covers. When Annie gets home and I
show her the laptop she says, "well it was
getting old and I'm going to need a new one for
law school anyway." As she did then, she does
now with this flood. "Accidents happen," she
says. "Seems like it was the buildings fault. I
think Lisa has a pretty good insurance plan." I
get off with a $1000 deductible - which Annie
pays and which I've yet to pay her back for -
and banishment from the apartment during
daytime hours. Not such a bad deal
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Self Improve Me: Stu Unger: Rise and Fall of a Poker Genius
Self Improve Me: Stu Unger: Rise and Fall of a Poker Genius: Stu Unger is one of the biggest superstars to have immerged from the professional poker world. Besides being a true poker genius and a thre...
Rise and fall of a poker genius
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Stu Unger: Rise and Fall of a
Poker Genius
December 19th, 2011 by guest
Stu Unger is one of the largest superstars to have immergedn
from the skilled poker world. Apart from being a true poker
genius and a three time World Series of Poker champion, Stu
Unger had a fascinating life story. It was not stunning that
after his dying Stu was the topic of a biography and a biopic.
Stu Unger lived the life of a rock star together with the short
rise to fame, the medicine, the comeback and the
unavoidable death at an early age. Here you possibly can
learn about the life story of the legendary poker player Stu
The Beginning
Stuart Errol Ungar was born in 1953 to a Jewish family who
lived in Manhattan on the Decrease East Side. Stus father
was a well-known bookmaker and his mother was too ailing
to combat in opposition to her sons fascination with
gambling. After the death of his father, 13 years outdated
Stu had discovered a father figure at his neighbor Victor
Romano, one of many notorious Genovese household
Stu and Romano had not less than one factor in widespread:
they both had an incredibly sharp memory, which was
primarily used in poker and gin games. By that point, Stu
was already an completed gin player who had gained vast
experience in successful gin tournaments. Stu dropped out
of school to become a full time gin rummy player. The
Genovese family had benefited from Stus talent. In return,
they supplied him protection from different gamblers who
discovered themselves offended by his harsh and arrogant
playing style.
The Rise
As an expert gin player, Stu had managed to beat all of the
professional gin poker players around. In accordance with
the rumors, Stu brought about Harry Yonkie Stein, the most
effective gamers round to stop playing gin utterly after
beating him in a gin match. Since he was out of correct
competitors, Stu determined to give attention to taking part
in poker professionally. In 1976, he and his girlfriend
relocated to Las Vegas the place they bought married and
had a lady, Stephanie.
In 1980, Stu won the World Series of Poker Essential
Occasion after beating experienced poker professionals
reminiscent of Doyle Bronson. Stu was the youngest WSOP
champion in history and was nicknamed The Kid. Although
Stu won the 1981 WSOP Primary Occasion, he still
considered himself more a gin and rummy player than a
poker player. After profitable his first WSOP championship
title, he was quoted saying that the poker world would meet
better no limit gamers than him, but nobody will ever be
capable of play gin rummy better than he does.
On the similar time, Stu had tried to use his talent to grab
cash on the blackjack table. However, the casinos weren’t
proud of Stus presence around the blackjack tables and he
was always barred. In 1982, he was fined by the New Jersey
Gaming Commission for cheating, though Stu has not
completed anything illegal but utilizing his natural talent and
phenomenal memory.
The Fall
In 1990, Stu made another look to the WSOP. This time, he
was closely into drugs. He was a chip chief for the primary
three days of the event and then disappeared. He was
discovered lying at his resort room, unconscious from a drug
overdose. However, it didn’t stop him from finishing ninth
and earning enough money for his future cocaine supply.
The Comeback
After seven years of disappearing from the professional
poker circle, Stu had returned to the WSOP. In 1997, he was
broke, with damaged nostrils from cocaine abuse, addicted
to horseracing and sports activities playing, but nonetheless
in form to beat all the new contestants and gain again his
WSOP Championship title. The native media was
comfortable to embrace The Comeback Child, but his
success did not last long.
The Death
Stu Unger didn’t attend the 1998 World Collection of Poker
since he could not get the money to pay the entry fee.
Seven months after Scotty Nguyen received the 1998 WSOP,
Stu Ungar was found dead at his motel room in Las Vegas
with 800 dollars in his pocket. Apparently, he died of a
coronary heart condition attributable to years of drug abuse.
The Biography
Read: One among a Form: The Rise and Fall of Stuey The
Kid Ungar, The Worlds Greatest Poker Participant written by
Nolan Dalla, Peter Alson, Mike Sexton.
Watch: High Curler: The Stu Ungar Story directed by A. W.
Vidmer and starring Michael Imperioli, Christopher
Moltisanti of The Sopranos, as Stu Unger
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Stu Unger: Rise and Fall of a
Poker Genius
December 19th, 2011 by guest
Stu Unger is one of the largest superstars to have immergedn
from the skilled poker world. Apart from being a true poker
genius and a three time World Series of Poker champion, Stu
Unger had a fascinating life story. It was not stunning that
after his dying Stu was the topic of a biography and a biopic.
Stu Unger lived the life of a rock star together with the short
rise to fame, the medicine, the comeback and the
unavoidable death at an early age. Here you possibly can
learn about the life story of the legendary poker player Stu
The Beginning
Stuart Errol Ungar was born in 1953 to a Jewish family who
lived in Manhattan on the Decrease East Side. Stus father
was a well-known bookmaker and his mother was too ailing
to combat in opposition to her sons fascination with
gambling. After the death of his father, 13 years outdated
Stu had discovered a father figure at his neighbor Victor
Romano, one of many notorious Genovese household
Stu and Romano had not less than one factor in widespread:
they both had an incredibly sharp memory, which was
primarily used in poker and gin games. By that point, Stu
was already an completed gin player who had gained vast
experience in successful gin tournaments. Stu dropped out
of school to become a full time gin rummy player. The
Genovese family had benefited from Stus talent. In return,
they supplied him protection from different gamblers who
discovered themselves offended by his harsh and arrogant
playing style.
The Rise
As an expert gin player, Stu had managed to beat all of the
professional gin poker players around. In accordance with
the rumors, Stu brought about Harry Yonkie Stein, the most
effective gamers round to stop playing gin utterly after
beating him in a gin match. Since he was out of correct
competitors, Stu determined to give attention to taking part
in poker professionally. In 1976, he and his girlfriend
relocated to Las Vegas the place they bought married and
had a lady, Stephanie.
In 1980, Stu won the World Series of Poker Essential
Occasion after beating experienced poker professionals
reminiscent of Doyle Bronson. Stu was the youngest WSOP
champion in history and was nicknamed The Kid. Although
Stu won the 1981 WSOP Primary Occasion, he still
considered himself more a gin and rummy player than a
poker player. After profitable his first WSOP championship
title, he was quoted saying that the poker world would meet
better no limit gamers than him, but nobody will ever be
capable of play gin rummy better than he does.
On the similar time, Stu had tried to use his talent to grab
cash on the blackjack table. However, the casinos weren’t
proud of Stus presence around the blackjack tables and he
was always barred. In 1982, he was fined by the New Jersey
Gaming Commission for cheating, though Stu has not
completed anything illegal but utilizing his natural talent and
phenomenal memory.
The Fall
In 1990, Stu made another look to the WSOP. This time, he
was closely into drugs. He was a chip chief for the primary
three days of the event and then disappeared. He was
discovered lying at his resort room, unconscious from a drug
overdose. However, it didn’t stop him from finishing ninth
and earning enough money for his future cocaine supply.
The Comeback
After seven years of disappearing from the professional
poker circle, Stu had returned to the WSOP. In 1997, he was
broke, with damaged nostrils from cocaine abuse, addicted
to horseracing and sports activities playing, but nonetheless
in form to beat all the new contestants and gain again his
WSOP Championship title. The native media was
comfortable to embrace The Comeback Child, but his
success did not last long.
The Death
Stu Unger didn’t attend the 1998 World Collection of Poker
since he could not get the money to pay the entry fee.
Seven months after Scotty Nguyen received the 1998 WSOP,
Stu Ungar was found dead at his motel room in Las Vegas
with 800 dollars in his pocket. Apparently, he died of a
coronary heart condition attributable to years of drug abuse.
The Biography
Read: One among a Form: The Rise and Fall of Stuey The
Kid Ungar, The Worlds Greatest Poker Participant written by
Nolan Dalla, Peter Alson, Mike Sexton.
Watch: High Curler: The Stu Ungar Story directed by A. W.
Vidmer and starring Michael Imperioli, Christopher
Moltisanti of The Sopranos, as Stu Unger
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