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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Get free visitor for your website

But don’t think that you don’t have to work for them. This is a method to get traffic for your website or blog but instead of paying you have to work for them. So if you don’t want to work, don’t bother reading this or even reading my blog, lazy mdfk :))

Anyway, as I was saying, you have to work for your traffic. How? It’s really simple. You visit sites for 20 seconds, answer a very simple antispam question and you earn a visit. So, you make 1 VISIT, you earn 1 VISIT. It’s 1:1 ratio, which is pretty fair. If you want to get more traffic you work harder. Simple, doesn’t it?

Now, why would you like to get visitors from a site that make other people like you visiting your site just to earn their traffic? Is kind of traffic exchange, and if you are a starting entrepreneur and got your first site running, you can make a free boost up by working it.

Why it is a boost up? Well, even if most of the people visiting it doesn’t care too much about your site or maybe doesn’t even bother to read it, it’s still traffic. It’s like you are having a bar right? And every night you invite friends to stick around just to not have an empty bar. Maybe they don’t buy anything for you, but a new customer walking on the street will prefer to enter into a crowded bar than to enter in an empty and ghostly place, where the barman is the only one inside. So, traffic attracts traffic. It's also available for google.
Why do you think that what is big always remain big? Without even bothering about its position anymore? Or as that quote sais, the rich get richer and the poor gets poor.

SEO includes reading based on traffic. They will prefer to rank up in searches a crowded website, no matter if the less crowded one has better content. In fact, google engine can't humanly say what's better for readers or not, because its mechanical action. So it take their popularity in exchange of that. Really. Google sort websites by popularity. The most crowded websites will always be in top of the searches, because as a SEO robot think, its much more enjoyable for audience, because that’s why is on top, doesn’t it?!
It sound very complicated but in fact is simple, popularity brings more traffic. Now you can work for your popularity. Got it?

So, what you have to do? It’s quite simple. Follow this link, register a new account and start surfing. The credits you earn while surfing can be spent on visits for your website, advertising or even money. You can earn money by surfing sites.
Even more, if you want to invest into cheap quality traffic here is the right spot. Add this to a very nice referral system and you got a nice deal.
Get free credits from your referrals on 5 levels: 10% of credits earned by your 1st level referrals, 5% of credits - 2nd level, 3% - 3rd level, 2% - 4th level, 1% - 5th level.

If you upgrade to Premium, you'll receive free credits from your referrals on 6 levels (15% - 10% - 5% - 3% -2 % - 1%)

·  We pay you $0.10 for every person you refer that surfs 100 or more sites! 
·  You will earn up to 40% commissions from all purchases of our Easy Splash Builder and Easy Rotator tools made by your first level referrals (10% as a free member, 20% as a Premium member, 30% as a paid member of the Easy Splash Builder & Easy Rotator, 40% as a Premium member and as a paid member of the Easy Splash Builder and Easy Rotator tools at the same time).
·  Also you can motivate your downline to surf more, promote other programs or encourage them to sign up on your own website(s) and under your affiliate links from the "Contact referrals" page.

I will show you how much traffic I made MYSELF yesterday: 

So, if you want to get free traffic for your website WORKING, now you have the right method.

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