I am so sick up about virtual and everything that comes with it.
When we talk about the poker, nothing compares with the sound of chips and the feel in your hand when you try a trick that doesn’t work, the stupid faces that your opponents make when they try to hide the fact they hit the flop and got a top pair, the power of making someone fold just because your poker face… this things make me so hunger into going to a live tournament.
The last one I plaid was homemade but was pretty cool. Now I think about what sort of excitement I will feel when going to live event, like big poker tournaments.
That makes this into the top of my accomplishment list. I want to play live poker, with real good player, not some dumbasses that play any two cards they have. I want someone to challenge me into playing. Yeah… I miss the taste of challenge from my life. I have to bring that taste back!
Ps: If this picture doesn't motivate you to play poker, I don't know what does :)))
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