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Saturday, October 2, 2010

How to Keep The Motivation Up

What is motivation

Motivation is the engine of human being, what makes him/her keep pushing and going even when he/she found obstacles hard to defeat.  Even if you like what you do can find yourself in the situation of wanting to quit telling yourself that won’t work or it’s not for you.
This usually happens when things become too rough and slow that demotivate you so bad that quitting is an easy option.

As I mentioned in earlier posts, money isn’t a very motivation, but that depends more on the reason. The stronger motivation is the one based of feeling, human feelings. Without feelings we would be robots, without reactions for what happens around us and also without these amazing result that I think all over the world and from the beginning of human history we witnessed human limits being broken. That is the result of using the fuel inside us, called feeling, in our favor not against us.

How to use emotions into your own good

Some people don’t know how to use emotions in a positive way and become overwhelmed by situations around them. Instead of getting that energy to push things forward in a positive manner, they fall into depressions and other negative states that not only affect their result but even harm them. I think the most basic element that can be compared with emotions is fire. If you know how to use it can be your savior but if it get out of control, and sometimes does, destroys everything in its path.

How to use the fire in your favor

You must first find positive reasons that make you feel something strong in a positive and constructive manner. For example, in my case, I always dreamed the day when I will have a family and kids and I swore myself that they will have everything that my parents couldn’t gave me. That is available this day for my blood related family also. I just want them to not have so many financial issues and it’s a strong motivation.

Besides that I am also a very proud person. Even if my conditions were always at the limit of surviving I never considered me this way. I always considered myself a person who has all and acted like this, always telling myself “if somebody else can, I can do it too and even better”. So I always used pride to keep me pushing limits and get over all the hard moments in my life. Sometimes is just think that most of the right choices in life are the hardest one to take and choosing the easy path makes you a coward. I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees.  

The only way to fail is to abandon

If you made a decision why would you quit it? The only way to fail in something is to abandon. Always keep that in mind. Would you like to be a coward and abandon or you will fight your way to the top? That is the existential question we should have. I’ve got to the conclusion that the biggest war is definitely the war inside of us, the struggle within to control the human will power.

Think about why you started this in the first place. Maybe you did it for yourself because want to have a better life, a better job or more free time for yourself. Maybe you do this for your family because don’t want them to suffer anymore and afford everything you need. Maybe you want to prove yourself that you can do this, even knowing that is a hard task to accomplish you decided to make the step and accept it. Maybe you want to do more in life than work, home, work, and home. Maybe you want to see the world and be able to work anywhere you have an internet connection.

What reasons do you have

Try to bring more and more into your eyes the reasons that keeps you pushing. You can get pictures out of the things you like to buy, the house of your dream, the car that you always wanted or the beach that you would like to see some day drinking a cocktail. Take these pictures and stick them to a board or anywhere else to be easy to see so that when you need motivation to keep going, you will fix this with a simple look at your “dream’ spot”.

Is nothing wrong to have dreams. A man, who doesn’t have dream, doesn’t have anything. Be proud about your dreams and never doubt the fact that you can make them reality. You going to make them become true but just have to work for that and you going to prove everybody else and yourself that you did it, succeed it.

Everything comes from mental

It’s all about the way you think. Everything around us is a direct result of our thoughts. We have a big influence in our destinies, in fact everybody is making his own destiny and it’s constantly changing as mentalities tend to change. It doesn’t matter where you grown up, who are your parent, how many people know you or what other do to you. It’s all about you, about what you think, about what your motivation, about your will strength and about your way to see things.

In reality every single thing that you take and try to analyze you gets to the conclusion that everything can be bad or good, depending on the way you see it. For example right now for me, it’s bad that I’m very tired and I kind of have a headache but on the other side is good that I do what I like and I hope I’ll help some people by writing these.

So no matter how bad you might think things are, they can be as good also. You have just to change the way you see them. Remember that everything happens for a reason and every action have a reaction.

If you think positive about yourself and keep your dreams alive by knowing everyday that will fulfill, the effect will be the creating of a reality based on your dreams.

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