To run a business, even one online, it requires a lot of skills and mental control. It’s not just as easy especially if you start out from scratch and you try to build something big putting together puzzle pieces in the paint that represents your life dream. Even if it’s something so big you still can’t rush it to much, got very little small pieces that need to grow something stable.
Things are not always what they seem to be
It’s a very hard work and I tell it from myself. It’s much easier when you think about that there is no boss, you have your own program and work as much or as long as you wish, no one is bothering you, work from home, sitting at the computer desk, drinking your coffee in the morning and reading the latest news, having the rest of the day to enjoy with the things and people you love. Quite a very sweet dream I could say.
But when it comes to hours and hours of hard work, results that sometimes are coming much too slow, the struggle within to keep motivation up and don’t abandon the entire project, the decision that you need to make and the feeling that everyone is counting on you and your success resulting in a very big weight on your shoulders, it’s not that much a walk in the park.
When it comes to online business, your website or blog won’t sky roof to the top in the next day after you released it. It requires a slow and tricky climbing into the highness of the success. At least it’s a safe way to do it and maybe wouldn’t be that much a success if anyone could accomplish it.
Take it step by step
Sometimes is just so necessary to do little baby steps just to make sure that all the steps are made properly, because it’s not as important how much you can but how good can be at. So focusing in each of the steps by the time, the results will be much more delightful than would be rushing it into finishing it up.
I didn’t heard people telling that it’s a tricky and hard thing to do and that I will get many headaches at it. When I first started searching on internet about online business, well, it seemed that it’s such a good think and easy by the way some “gurus” say it that you can form a wrong opinion and think that is just sugar and honey. When you finally find the raw truth it’s very hard to swallow. That can push you real big into quiting it.
It’s not a job for anyone
Instead of that I will be real with you. It’s hard work to do, many headaches thinking about it, many ideas that you need to put together and need to know which is bad and which not, many responsibilities, even the one from your life, lies on your shoulder and expects from you to success. This road isn’t for every one of us.
There are people that get satisfied having the safety of their job even if they don’t make too out of their lives. I don’t want to blame them and don’t want to say that they are wrong or us. But it’s just not like me.
This road is only for people who want to succeed and make out something of their lives, hard-working people that inside their hearth they know it’s going to be a successful trip and if somebody can do it, they are.
Patience is a virtue
You have to understand that besides the fact that it’s hard to accomplish it requires a lot of time to be build also. Don’t try to rush it, never think about that. Some blogs needed months or maybe a year to proper build up to the success they have right now. It’s a very tough terrain and it’s only made for the winners.
Let’s talk about limits a little bit and from this point of view I am going to share with you a story based on true facts about human limits and how you can break them.
There was once an athlete, a runner, that really loved this sport he practiced and wanted to become the best. Everyday he trained hard to become faster and faster. For that, his coach told him to carry a co-team in his back and walk with him 100m. He did this and started training dialing using this method, but always stopped at the line of 100m, truly believing that this is his limit. Over the time, his coached noticed he didn’t advance anymore so he asked him “Why you don’t go further?” and the athlete respond “I am sorry coach, but this is my limit. I can’t go much further than this…” than coach nods and didn’t say anything. At the next training session the coach gives him a scarf and tells him “now, put this at your eyes and blind fold you than do your usual training”. Athlete starts walking with his college in the back and walks, and walks, and walks, always asking his coach how much it is to the line. His coach kept telling him “come on! A little further! Not there yet. You can do it!” so the athlete walked this way until his strengths really made him fall into his knees. When he took the scar off, not only that he got by the line long time before but he made more than double the distance usually done, where he though that its his limit and couldn’t believe what his eyes see.
This is like our real situation. If you think about that can’t go certain limit you’ll always stop there even if could go much further than this. But you act as you think. If you keep telling yourself that you can’t do something, your body acts like that. Don’t think limits and you won’t have them.
Learn to listen your intuition
Let’s not forget about your feelings and what your intuition says to you. Sometimes inside you there is something yelling at you like the coach in the paragraph before. It tells you to not give up and keep pushing, because you sure can make it happen. You can go beyond your limits again and again. In fact life is all about this and growing up is just about learning how to break our limits and go beyond them. At first you don’t know how to walk; you struggle and crumble down until you manage to do it. Than you struggle and exercise running and learn every kind of new things that you weren’t capable of doing before and so on.
Life is just a big competition where you have to get over obstacles. You can’t skip over start until the end. Make it step by step and resolve it as should be. This is the natural float of things. Otherwise would be a chaos in our lives and never knew what to do.
Life is just a big competition where you have to get over obstacles. You can’t skip over start until the end. Make it step by step and resolve it as should be. This is the natural float of things. Otherwise would be a chaos in our lives and never knew what to do.
But there you have it, little baby steps that you must have the patience to take them and make sure you do the best out of it.
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