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Friday, October 1, 2010

Why Would You Chose a Blog and How to Create One in Easy Steps

There was a time when the information spread all over the world within seconds. There was a time when you could find all the information needed in whatever domain with just a few mouse clicks. There was a time when all the people could express themselves over the internet but it required html knowledge and a little investment to do that. Now it’s even better thanks to blogosphere.

The comparison between websites and blogs

If we speak about this very generally, we talk about a category and a subcategory of it. So would be kind of trying to compare fruits with apples and that is nothing useful. Blogs are in fact still a website, with the specification that they whole purpose is to focus its entire existence only for articles and all the elements that could be integrated into it, like multimedia (images, music, videos, and applications). Other way said, it was conceived to make it so easy to submit articles and so easy to use that anybody could start one, without having programming skills or any other knowledge regarding online universe.

As you can tell by yourself, a website can hug any kind of virtual content that is possible and with all the new programming skills it seems that any kind of application can be found on a website rolling like a German tire. In fact most of the websites these days comes along with forums and blogs besides all the articles and other content that might have.

So, why would you choose a blog instead of a website? There are some common reasons to do that:

If you don’t know programming and don’t even want to learn.
I don’t say that programming and learning it can be so hard to achieve and apply. No, in fact, it’s very easy to find many free tutorials over the internet that could help you dig it out thought the information and starts creating from zero your website, programming it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not impossible, but not all the people enjoy doing this kind of stuff. I take me for example. When I first started to study about the internet and the possibility to make money online I looked out to learn html and started to make my first website. Besides the fact that the result was stupid simple and with not so good visual aspect, once I got much deep into learning started to get very bored. And I mean, amazingly very bored. That is my sign that tells me “hey! This is not something for you to do! Just go and try something else, skip this.” That doesn’t mean that I couldn’t learn programming or I don’t like it at all, but it’s not for me.

It’s ok to edit once in a while a template for a blog or I don’t know… playing around with css styles to chance one thing or two into my design. But that’s it! Nothing more or I will start disliking it very bad.

And why to do something that will bore me very much when I can get the same content online without even one piece of programming files made by me? That’s why we have blogs and CMS (content management systems) these days: to take away from content submitter that pain that programming was giving. So if you think like me blog it’s a write (right) choice.

You don’t want to waste time creating individual pages manually and always editing them.
If you don’t fit in the description above but still think about the possibility of getting a template already made online and start creating web pages with that, think about the time you waste with that. After I skipped the part where I programmed the website myself with skills learned online I switched into using an already made template to create my website. At first it sounded great, started looking after a free template available online, found the right design for me, getting software for creating/editing web page and than started to work. All the excitement soon vanished when I saw that making a webpage this way it’s still a very tricky work.

There are always slide changes, colors to set, images to fit, combine all the elements into a nice looking page, set all the links … so still needed some programming. Without it you’re death meat. Spent too much time just to find how to change the things I dislike or how to add some new ones to the website and got me bored already. I wanted just to create content without worrying about how I will create the visual or coded scripts. Even with the some of the CMS the work didn’t seem so pleasant. Still have so much different possibilities and add-ons that you can add or remove and it’s kind of hard to customize the website to not look like the original one. Who would want a cloned website? Even if just about the visual aspect it was too much “the same” for me to carry one. Now what? I made a blog, created a banner, and added it to the blog, changing a little bit the elements in the page and than started creating articles in 5 minutes. I prefer to spend the time choosing the right words, offering the best helping information I could and just worry about the traffic. Don’t you?

Blogs are vital for article writers as the vocal cords are for singers.
I can take a shot and say that is not just my opinion when I say that can’t image an online world without blogs. It’s basic, it’s simple and it’s the perfect tool to share your ideas online. It’s not just a very addictive wave among the people around the world; it’s the online book of the writer. I don’t want to think about how it would be now to try to share content online without having this beautiful coded site, with easy managing skills, sweet designs and search engine maxim compatibility. It could be website with content also but the readers won’t feel the same. In fact that is the most important thing about it.  The human evolve and that takes over all the things he use or made. Blogs are the result of coding evolution that allow users to spend basically almost no-time in building it and focus more on the content he/she uploads and that only means that now we have heavy optimized content available for all of us, no matter the interests. That makes blog coding team happy, the writer happy and also the reader even more happy. Everybody wins!

If you decide to start making a blog and start making content for your readers in no-time Blogspot.com it a excellent choice. It’s easy like one, two, and three! You create a Google account or login your own, click create a blog link, start completing the name site, link and the verification words, choose a premade design and there you have it. It’s running, ready to be edited and customized and very nervous about sharing it’s content with the world.

Choosing a design
I noticed that some people avoid this part probably with the believing that it not so important how blog looks but rather what you can read from it. Well, a sloppy looking blog it’s like we have a very good book to read, with awesome content and a very great writer but just before we started to read it, dropped it in the swamp. Now, we have a ruined book that it’s useless for us.
Think about it this way. The human eye memory is one of the best we have and visual attractiveness is not a doubt when you think about it that humans even “eat” with their eyes. And all about nowadays industries is advertising, that meaning visual content, highly attractive visual content in fact. The options available now are so numerous and the competition so big that only if you “trick” your clients with visual content can make it in the top successfully. Your blog is not an exception.
I am pretty sure that wouldn’t like to be in the situation of creating attractive content with very much work invested and studies and all that stuffs to lose all the readers I collect by not having an attractive aspect on blog. I don’t want to make my readers never come back because I distract them with annoying and bad placed pictures or with a very disturbing color combination that irritates the eye and not even poke them in the face with big ads or pop-ups. Neither do you. And beside all the business stuff I have some artist sense too. I want to like it when I enter and be a source of proud for me, both visual and contextual. So that means: take your time at the begging to choose the right design for you, both attractive and suitable for you, for your theme and for your blog and than waste time writing articles and submit them. Anyway, you just do this once and than you don’t have to worry about it again. I consider as crucial as learning to walk before trying to run.

Creating content
Well, now we get really into business, because that’s why we are all here and read this. We are article writers or want to become one and study more about it.
To talk this out entirely I probably need more articles, but now I just make you a brief idea about what is the importance of the content in blogging. As I was saying earlier, content it’s now optimized for readers to be much more useful and easy to find. That means compressed information presented with a good-looking skin. The information is not that much a problem anymore. I don’t believe that is something new that could be said but I’m sure that you can have a new way to say it and that’s make all the fun. You have to take all of this information that read about it or just experienced it, run it trough your brain filter, add a little bit of imagination and a lot of personality and make a fine well-defined skin to present it. Voila!
I kind of feel a little bit Frankenstein right now with all this skin creating dough.

Now we gather up everything I said in this article, cross a line and say without staying too much on toughs that creating a blog is a simple, easy-to-custom, fun and attractive way to share your content all over the World Wide Web and why not make a nice river of income out of it. 

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