RakeTheRake, the rakeback professionals, offering up to 60% rakeback

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

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My answer is KING size my friend:  

Yea you see it right ----------- >

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Normaly you will get only 200% 1st poker deposit bonus , but not with my KING offer! Only available from this blog !!

So good luck at the tables and see ya there!

Basic Skills - Discipline

 Articles - Advanced - Basic Skills


Poker focusedIf you want to substantial gains in a game of poker , it is very important to be disciplined.All other skills depends on the ability to be disciplined. You must have patience and know to expect a good hand, a good game, a profitable opportunity. Being disciplined means to play only games that we can afford to refrain from playing your hands that can cause trouble to manage your financial resources in a way appropriate and learn from mistakes. It is very important, too, to know how to control your emotions in any situation and do not ever get out of yarn. Do not play when you're drunk when you're tired or when you are emotionally troubled. Furthermore, we must always ask yourself if you play at your maximum capacity.

Game Analysis

If you study your opponents constantly, you'll learn a lot. Most times when you play and when not involved placing hand, it is recommended to make and study as Poker Analyseyour opponents. Analyze how to play each opponent and use this information against them. Listen to what they say.Many players will tell you what hand you have given or have played a hand in a certain way. Try to imagine what books you have, whether or not participate in the hand. If you follow these tips every time you play a hand, you know what does it mean when your opponents check, bet, call or raise. Be as careful and play your own way and keep your mind an image of the game table at all times. You'll notice that some players do not consider not playing and that we have an advantage over them. As you try to read your opponents, try to read you. If you notice a mistake on an opponent, unless you ask yourself and you do the same mistake from time to time.

Changing the game

A good poker player is unpredictable and you know how to change the game. Changing the game depends largely on the opponents and the image you have in regard to the table. If you play poker frequently and you have never been caught while playing the bluff, the bluff is that the game is one of your strengths. If you play the bluff very often, you would get paid when you have a good hand. If your opponents play aggressive, you should try to play lighter and vice versa. Always try to stay one step ahead of your opponents. The ability to play smart and know when to change the gameplay is what makes you unpredictable. If you happen to play the same players frequently, it is better to show hands that you have not ever played and to mislead. This is not as important to online game , because players do not consider their opponents as much and often moving.

Money Management

Poker MoneyIf you fail to properly manage money, it is impossible to win consistently, regardless of how good you are. It is advisable to play only games that we can afford and estimate about how you win in a long time. Many good players go bankrupt because you play in games that they can not afford. There will be times when you lose, despite the fact that you can play as well. You must be careful and make sure you can cope financially these fluctuations are quite common in poker. For example, when playing Limit Hold'em , you must have an account with an amount higher than 300 big blind 's. If you playLimit Texas Hold'em and you have to account for 100 times the big blindsite and collect your money whenever you happen to win, using your various purposes such gains, you will fail.

Articles - Advanced - Poker as a source of income

Articles - Advanced - Poker as a source of income

Poker-Sursa de venitContrary to general opinion, poker pro software is not easy and requires considerable sacrifice. There is a big difference between poker as a hobby site andpoker site as a profession.
People who make a living from playing poker must firstly have a lot of patience , know when to play and how to lose. The real players of poker and will not crack and will not lose composure when they lose days in a row, because they are aware that they can not always win.
Players of poker professionals are not always disciplined and never sit at the table without drafting a strategy in advance. Furthermore, their professional players for the game set a budget and not exceed it, whether losing or winning.
Poker professional does not provide a reliable source of fixed income and there Monday when a good player does not earn almost nothing. The difference between the amateur player poker professional is that the latter will not give up and still believes in his chance.

Poker as income
Players poker professional travelers are always on the run and almost always tired. Moreover, they have very little free time and very little time for personal life. The life of a player poker professional requires many sacrifices that not everyone is willing to make.
Poker-Sursa de venitOn the other hand, they can choose their own tournaments in which they participate can get free whenever they want and will not hardly ever have to wake up at eight in the morning. For some, this lifestyle is ideal.
Players always successfully resisted pressures and fluctuations, know how to remain calm and to play without flash. They will not give away only rarely and even then, they will know to turn the situation to their advantage.
World Poker site is deopotrivţ exciting and competitive, but only the truly best players will be able to make a living from playing poker.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How to earn more with little money - Poker Knowledge -

 - Rules - Beginners - How to earn more with little money

With some motivation and courage, a poker player can turn $ 50 Into a fortune. So I started five years ago and then I bought a truck, a boat, a laptop and many other things, all winnings at poker. Furthermore, I happened to have to make additional funds in the account.

How we won

ce puteti castiga cu ajutorul OnlinePoker.RoIt took me about six months to earn $ 10,000 playing Texas Hold'em and now I realize that
I would have taken even less time if I made ​​a initial deposit more (the game online, lodging The initial is very important, because you can considerably increase: for example, the Red Star Poker you can win $ 1500 just dintrun single warehouse!) . Some players prefer to make more money to play at higher limits since the beginning, but that hardly advise players find poker to begin with smaller amounts and go to another level as their game grows qualitatively.
It is not easy to make money from virtually nothing, it takes patience and determination.It will take quite a long time to get to a nice amount based on a small deposit and will have to have patience to overcome all the ups AND and downs it encounters a poker player who wants to earn money from this game.

Daniel Negreanu will learn how to win with weak hands

Determination, vital

Determination comes into play when you set a goal and that goal of your priority. All other things in your life will take second place because you play so much poker as necessary to achieve your goal. How well you play d Cash Tournaments each time and treated each session as would be the last one playing, so you always make the best game and you fail to reach the goal.
The easiest way to collect an amount consistent money is by participating in tournaments. I began to attend the tournament $ 10 sit-and-go with 10 players until we collected around $ 300, then I switched to the buy-in s $ 30. When we raised $ 700, I went to buy-ins of 50, and we went to the cash tables when I first had accumulated $ 1,000.

Cash games rather than tournaments

You can save money and participating in cash games, however, this version is a bit difficult because you have to start playing with very low limits and very boring at first. If you choose this option, however, is preferable to only play hands premium.
The beauty of this game mode is that you can play weak hands in the hope that eventually you will have a very good hand and you'll earn good money. Remember that Rome was not built In a day and that you will not be able to tighten the amount that you have proposed a clapping their hands. If you have patience, I am sure you get to play at tables where the real money.
See you at the table.

Monday, May 23, 2011

RakeBack . Getting yo money back!

OnlinePoker.Ro  - Rakeback: Get your money back!

Rakeback is a term very frequently in the poker world, and if you play online poker in recent years, then you undoubtedly have faced him. But what exactly is this rakeback and why is so much creative idea to open the fee table players return ("rake back") from several poker rooms while others avoided? OnlinePoker enter the deepness of the order to clarify our users about rakeback.
In addition, we encourage our users to visit Rake Robin for more information about this phenomenon, the latest in poker rakeback.

General questions about Rakeback:

  • Getting Started: What is Rakeback?
  • OnlinePoker attitude in this regard
  • What advantages would I be able to offer Rakeback?
  • Are there disadvantages in connection with Rakeback you need to know?
  • I still entitled to receive bonuses if Rakeback?
  • How much money can get back?
  • How and when can I get Rakeback?
  • How do I Rakeback is calculated?
  • What is Rake Races (Rake Races)?

Getting Started: What is Rakeback?

First of all, to understand rakeback you must first get familiar with the concept of rake, understood as the fee paid for the table. Since the poker game, participants play against the house but not against each other, almost all poker rooms (either the online or those in traditional casinos) collect a fee to cover operational costs. This fee is known as arake and fees typically are about 5% of the pot at the end of each hand. The very term "rake" is rooted in the method of collecting the taxes casinos in the old brick walls: the dealer removes a part of practice after playing chips each hand.
Today, due to fierce competition in the world of online poker , many rooms online poker came up with the idea of aa reward players with some of the commission paid by them. In several rooms card games, for example, is normal to get back up to 25-50% of the rake paid each month.
However, rakeback is still controversial. Many poker networks forbid their members to offer rakeback players, while others encourage them to do so. Some ISPs may go even further and offer rakeback without knowledge of other partner casinos and poker rooms of their network.

Attitude OnlinePoker in this respect

We are aware that many of our users are interested in the benefits that rakeback can offer them. However, we decided not to actively promote poker rooms rakeback programs up when rakeback will be open advertising poker community. Instead, we ask our users to visit Robin Rake, a website which will be released soon and that involves looking for the best rakeback deals online. 

What benefits can I offer Rakeback?

In terms of players, rakeback can be quite advantageous. Since the poker player must however pay rake (commission), why not get some money back? Even if you are a skilful player and able to hold the player's chest, however, because you can reach minus rake you pay. Rakeback can mean the difference between a player who comes out on the plus and minus another that comes out every time.

Are there disadvantages in relation Rakeback you need to know?

Rakeback itself can only be beneficial to players. Basically, if you play in a poker room which receives the typical 5% rake, a 30% rakeback, for example, means a reduction of total rake to about 3.5%.

I still entitled to receive bonuses if Rakeback?

Even if you decide or not to take advantage of the many Bonuses Initial negotiated with your OnlinePokerBonusBonusBonus a poker room you choose one, the conflict may depend on the amount of rakeback that specific rules of poker rooms. While some allow players to be entitled to the full amount of the bonus, either from your rakeback, others may limit the size of the bonus or not to offer it at all if the players opt for the optional rakeback.
Some poker rooms can ask players to meet certain requirements with regard to bonuses (for example, to accumulate a certain number of loyalty points by playing frequently) before they can occur after receiving rakeback signup bonus.

How much money can get back?

The amount of fees you pay and you might not look great - just 5% of the total pot - but it may increase very slightly with time. Consider the following table less to get an idea about how much a player can receive rakeback from his play as a no-limit table with 30% rakeback:
Daily Game Stats
$ 0.25 / $ 0.50
$ 1
$ 8
$ 37
$ 4
$ 25
$ 110
$ 1 / $ 2
$ 2
$ 15
$ 65
$ 6
$ 44
$ 194
$ 10 / $ 20
$ 5
$ 37
$ 165
$ 16
$ 112
$ 494
As you can see, without any note you play or what limits you prefer, rakeback can mean a lot of money for you.

How and when can I get rakeback?

The notions of when and where rakeback is paid varies from provider to provider, while some users pay their every day, while others calculate rakeback every month. Normally rakeback payment is made ​​directly to the funds of the poker player, even if some other accounts provide payment and other payment methods like Neteller.

How do I Rakeback is calculated?

In general, your contribution to the commission of one hand is calculated by dividing the total number of players active commission. Even if you win the pot or not, it is not plugged into your account, you made ​​a bet that gives you confidence that you will receive rakeback, that's only if you play in a poker room that offers this possibility. Then rakeback you receive is a percentage of the total fees you give.

What is Rake Races (Rake Races)?

Rake Races are promotions offered by many online poker rooms. In a Rake Race, players who accumulate more rake and rakeback at a specified time period are rewarded with money - usually worth thousands of dollars for first place finisher. Usually lasts one calendar month Rake Races.

Nowadays in the competitive world of online poker, many poker rooms have come up with reward players with some of the rake that you have paid. On many sites online gambling type games, for example, is normal to receive a reward of up to 25-50% of the rake you pay every month.
However, rakeback is and he's controversies. Many poker networks deprive their members of their rakeback offer this, while others încurajeză them to promote this new type of bonus. Some suppliers may go so far as to offer thisrakeback trying to hide it from other casino related sites and rooms online poker in the same network .

Our position at OnlinePoker.Ro

We understand that many of our users are interested in the benefits and promotions that come with this rakeback. However, we can not yet decided to actively advertisepoker rooms online with rakeback programs until this will be promoted throughout the poker community. Instead, we invite our users to take a look at Robin Rake when it launched a website that provides information about the best rakeback offers andpromotions. We can not, however, does not inform visitors about the offersOnlinePoker. Ro has prepared in collaboration with the biggest sites online poker(list includes giants like Full Tilt Poker , UltimateBet Poker and Betfair Poker ).

What are the benefits I offer rakeback?

In terms of players, rakeback can be quite beneficial. Since, as a player of online poker , you must pay a fee anyway, why not get a free portion of that money? If you are a modest player, and win little by little, it's still possible to get the red because of the charges you will have to pay. Rakeback can mean the difference between a player who makes money and one that loses money all the time .
You have only advantages and no disadvantages!
Rakeback itself can only be beneficial for players!
If you play an online poker site that requires a typical fee of 5% (such as Carbon Poker or Poker PKR), a 30% rakeback, for example, in essence, not only means a reduction of up to 3.5% of commission which must pass it.

Can I get another additional bonus if I get rakeback?

Regardless of rakeback, you get different initial bonuses negotiated for you by OnlinePoker.Ro . For more details about this bonus and the rakeback is advisable to read articles about poker rooms that offer rakeback for specific information.
While some are able to receive the full bonus with rakeback, others may limit this promotion, or may not provide all the original bonus if players chose arakeback account. Some rooms online poker players may require certain conditions to give the bonus (such as accumulating a certain number of loyalty points, which you can win if you play frequently, such as the Full Tilt Poker) before generating rackback site.

How much money can I get back?

Fees you pay may not seem so great - only 5% of the total amount of the bet - but it can grow easily at any time. For instance, if you play with limits of 0.25/0.50 dollars, played for an hour a day, every day you end up paying slightly more than $ 1, week 8 and month 36. Played for 3 hours a day, you end up paying $ 4 daily, 25 weekly and 110 monthly.

For games with limits ranging between 1 and $ 2 for a daily hour of play, you pay daily, weekly and monthly in February, 15 and 65 dollars, and so on. Even if you choose lower limits in playing online poker you will be surprised how quickly collect these fees and how much you won a rakeback offer.
So as you can see, no matter what or how much you play, or what limits you prefer, rakeback can mean money.

How and when do I get my rakeback?

When and how rakeback is paid varies from poker room to another, some players are paid online each day, and others monthly. Frequently, sites rakeback payments are deposited directly into players' accounts, although some offer a separate account, through various payment methods , best known as Neteller and Paypal .
Usually, your commission is calculated on a hand played by the formula: the total fee divided by the number of activeplayers. Whether or not you win the bet, this is not taken into account. The fact that you made ​​a bet means that you will receive a rakeback of course if you play on a site for online poker bonus that promotes this (examples include knownInterPoker , PKR Poker , etc). Then rakeback you will pay is a percentage of the total fees you have paid.
Rake Races
Rake Races are many rooms promotions offered by online poker .
Rake In a race, players who accumulate the most commission, and therefore a term rakeback precise time they are rewarded with cash prizes - which usually means thousands of dollars for first place.
Rake Races usually lasts a month.