I don't like mathematics. I don't like talking to much. I love to do things. I love to do poker, not to think it too much.
I mean, not like being fucking stupid and play like a retard all the hands. No, not that way. But... isn't that much to learn about poker. Several rules about money management, positions at the tables and the hands you need to play. That's all. everything else is just bublering. Yappy that and yappy do. Nothing straight to the subject you know... just talking about what that person might have, what he or she things. But let's be honest... who thinks poker? Poker is something that you feel, period.
It's kinda like what i do with this blog. I got all the knowledge before.. now i just do what i feel.No second edit, no regret at all, just fun for me. This is available for poker too.
At the tables is more like a menthal fight betwen player. And the weekest snap. The strongest win most of the times because make the weak snap. It's not rocket science. It's about using adversary fear into your advantage. But for that.. you need to HAVE NO FEAR.
If you ever feared about losing your money get the fck out of here! You can't win this way.
So, be instinct, be animal, be lion... and maybe one day you'll be a king like me. Or at least a jack.
Chip up!
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