Hands Rank
Poker hands are always five cards. For example, even if each player in a stud game has seven cards, only the best five of these books will come into play. Poker hands are not made of six or seven books. Thus, a seven-card stud hand As Ad Qs Qd 6h 5d 3c beat Ks Kd 9h 9s 7s 7d 2s, even if second hand contains three pairs while the first has two pairs. Similarly, if the community cards in Hold ‘em consist of 9s 9h 7d Js 7c, the pot will be split between two players who 6s 6d and 5c 5h, although two of six players to take advantage card river. Finally, both players have two pair hand 9s 9h 7d 7c Valet kicker card. None of the players can not produce a higher kicker from his hand, none of the players hole pairs can result in a five-card hand higher than the cards.

These are great hands to play only high and high-low split, from the largest to smallest. Any hand in a category from the list wins before any hand in any category under it. For example, any color straight wins against four of a kind, any color before any straight wins.
Royal Flush: Five cards, all the same color. Most straight-colored, with an ace as the highest card has a special name, Royal Flush.

A straight-colored lower whatever form, has a unique name.

At showdown by several players with straight color, the highest hand wins the high card. 6d 7d 8d 9d 10d is better than 9s 8s 7s 6s 5s.
four of a kind: Four cards of equal value. Known as the square.

At the showdown players with more squares wins the hand with the highest value. Kd Kc Kh Ks 5d is better than JH Jc Jd Js Ad. If multiple hands each contain the same square (a situation that can occur in a community card game), the highest hand wins odd book. Kd Kc Kh Ks Ah is better than Kd Kc Kh Ks Qd.
Full House: Three cards of one value plus two cards of another value.

At showdown by several players with full, wins the hand with three cards set the highest value. 7h 7s 7d 3h 3s is better than 6s 6c 6h Ad Ah. If multiple hands each contain the same full house (a situation that can occur in a community card game), the hand with the highest pair wins. Kd Kh Ks As Ac is better than Kd Kh Ks Qh Qd.
color: Five cards of the same color.

At showdown by several players with straight, wins the hand with the highest peak or highest card. When there is equality between maximum cards, compare the following book, the first two books are compared, comparing the third card, etc.. Ah 8h 7h 6h 5h is better than Ks Qs Js 9s 8s, and Jd 10d 9d 8d 4d is better than Jc 10c 9c 7c 6c.
straight: Five consecutive cards. I may have a greater or lesser value.

At showdown by several players with straight, wins the hand with the highest maximum card. Ts 9d 8d 7c 6c is a better hand to 8s 7h 6h 5c 4c.
three of a kind: Three cards of equal value or known as brelan, especially in flop games, set.

At showdown by several players with three of a kind, wins the hand with the highest value. JH Jc Js 3d 2c is a better hand over 10s 10c 10h Ah Kc. If multiple hands each contain the same three of a kind (a situation that can occur in a community card game), the highest hand wins odd book. JH Jc Js Ah Kc is a better hand to JH Jc Jd Ah Qd.
two pair: Two cards of one value plus two cards of another value.

At showdown by several players with two pair, wins the hand with the highest pair. As Ac 2h 2s 3d is a better hand Kd Kc Qh Qs to JD. At showdown by several players with the same high pair, wins the hand with the highest low pair. 10s 10c 8s 8c 4d is a better hand to 10h 10d 7s 7h Ad. At showdown by several players with the same two pair, wins the hand with the highest marginal card (known as the kicker). JH Jd 9h 9d 4h is a better hand Js Jc 9c 9s from 3s.
One Pair: Two cards of equal value.

In the showdown with a couple more players, wins the hand with the highest pair. Ah Ad 5d 4h 3c is a hand greater than Kh Kd Ac Qd Js. At showdown by several players with the same pair, the hand with the highest or the highest card wins marginal. JH Js 9d 8s 4d is a hand greater than Jc Jd 9h 8c 3s.
no pair: None of the above combinations.

If no hand at the showdown has a pair or a better combination, with the highest hand or two books with the largest gains. When there is equality between maximum cards, compare the following book, the first two books are compared, comparing the third card, etc.. Ac 9s 5d 4c 2h is a better hand to Kd Qs Jd 10c 8h, and JH 10c 9h 7c 4d hand is a better time of 10h 9s 7s 2d Jc.
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