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Monday, May 23, 2011

3 Things to Know about sngs. Period

Sit-n-go’s play is a lot more different than ring games and a little kind of a tournament, but smaller. The idea of playing in a sit-n-go is to get a fast tournament-like experience with a set amount of players and reward. The SNG starts when all the players submitted to it.
If we talk about the strategy that applies here is more different as well. If you ask me, being faster and with a much lower time to experience with, you got to have much more skills into surviving. So there are three major things you should consider at sng’s: learn, adapt, survive.

Learning your opponents. The first and the most important is your opponents reading. You are sitting at the table with a bunch of player that can’t leave without wasting their chips and if you have a multi-table sng you will have plenty of time to learn their habits.  Reading their moves, learning their mistakes and their style is the first and the most important steps of all. Besides playing your cards your must play your opponents. There are two style of players consider the amount of hands they play: loose and tight; from the point of view of temperament there are aggressive and passive players. Make notes about your players, make visual reminders and why not use avatars to recognize them easier. The more you know them the easier will be to read their cards by judging their behaviors.
Adapting to the situation. There are two things that you need to adapt to, sng time and players behaviors. At sng time you play tight at the start and more loose as your get lower big blind amounts. At players is a little bit more complicated. After you did the first step and read your opponents you must adapt your style to each one of them. What that exactly means? You must shape shift to them. It’s like counter attack. In fact the strategy of beating other player’s strategy is to use the opposite one. For example if you deal with a tight aggressive player you must be loose passive and if he is loose passive you must be tight aggressive. That’s the smartest and the most efficient way to be the best at poker.
Surviving all the way trough. At sngs and tournaments not the guy with the most chips wins, but that one who survives until the end. So it’s not a big deal to rush into getting the highest amount of chips from the beginning and than just waiting to win. You can easily fall down from top to bottom. Remember to stay focus and use efficient the chips. As the blinds changes you will notice that at some point all the players at the table are kind of in the same dangerous situation. So it’s just about who survive the most and who knows how to use efficiently their chips to get into the dough. So think smart, don’t be selfish and with a big ego, know how to protect your chips and don’t waste them. Consider your chips like your food on a deserted island. You must survive the most amount of time you can, in comparing with others. But also you can’t just wait the food to come at you, must fight for it and get it. That means survival. Learn to survive and you will be a sng pro.

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