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Monday, June 13, 2011

The atmosphere at the WSOP, as lively as a poker

What can you do in two months in Las Vegas, but take World Series of Poker? Surely you can play poker with the best level. In fact you can not, you should play. But that's not all and around tables are born as much history and beautiful as any in the tournament.
Surprises await you at every step and never know what you bring next few minutes. Even at the poker tables you may be surprised, even if you are a professional bracelets million in earnings and gumption strategies. Even if you are Daniel Negreanu. Canadian Team PokerStars has received the most amazing proposal of the month and told the world:
"A lady just whispered in my ear: 'if we do a prenuptial agreement, will you marry me and be used only for poker lessons and sex?" This one I never heard "
We do not know what he said Negreanu, but since it still is at the poker tables and seeking his fifth WSOP bracelet of his career, not looking for a church wedding, you probably rejected the proposal ...
All the tables, some players are having fun with names in poker a little more exciting. Phil Laak has given us the details: "I'm playing at a table no limit holdem $ 20 / $ 40 with @ MagicAntonio (No - Antonio Esfandiari) and @ __fullflush1__ (No - Luke Schwartz). Each plays a card turned face. "
{Id: 2953 Outside of poker rooms, has been spending the big day that the British fired a week after a World Series, especially valuable to have two bracelets and two new champions. More specifically, " Triple Crown "produced by Jake Cody only 22 years old and totally unexpected victory of Matt Perrins had "watered." And we all know when I drink beverages flowing as English ...
But the most awaited moment so far is scheduled tomorrow night, when Mary Ho, Vanessa Rousso Tiffany Michelle and will host their own party for the 2011 WSOP starts at Nikki Beach, Tropicana. And anyway, have a strong reason to party after Mary Ho concluded the 2nd event in April.

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