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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

If you go first into the pot, do Raise

Very rarely happens to me when I do get the first one limp, and so should you happen to you. If you decide to play one hand, and you can be the first to enter, then often you should get a raise.

 Here are a few reasons:

1. To eliminate the competition. By raising every time will result in fewer players can. Fewer players can mean more chances for you to win the hand.
• pair of aces wins about 85.5% of times in front of a random hand, but against four random hands will win about 55.8% of the time.
• A hand you play against an opponent is much easier to analyze than against many opponents.

2. To have control gambling. Being raised preflop, ceilalati players will know that you have a pretty big chance to win the pot. Any 'continuation bet' you will reinforce the image that you had originally, namely, the image of strong hand. "Check the raiser" is a phrase I heard many times. This is exactly the mindset that I want my opponents when you bet preflop.

3. To better define the hand as my opponent. Let's say everyone folded to me and I'll limp with an average hand, the small blind and big blind to throw beat the check.
He could beat check with any of these hands:
a. Check to beat a strong hand like KQ?
b. It can be to have even 7-2?
c. Perhaps the first pair of 33.
But if large preflop and you'll be paid, at least I removed version that can be "7-2", if this is not some maniac who got bored at the table.

4. It will be difficult for my opponents to recognize the kind of hand they have. Players only increase the strong hands and make 'limp' only suited connectors and small pairs, provides too much information. So when I see such a player almost every time I raise when he makes clear, most times it will throw.

5. To win the blinds. Opening the pot by raising my every time I give a chance to win (or steal) without blinds see the flop. It is very important when you are in an advanced level of a tournament. Stealing blinds you success in tournament poker.

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