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Monday, June 20, 2011

Ionel Anton Kovalchuk beat him face to face and deny first WSOP bracelet ever Romania

Initiated into the mysteries of poker coach Victor Piturca, John Anthony missed a chance to become the first Romanian player to win a bracelet at the World Poker after Oleksii Kovalchuk beat heads-up!
26 event entered three days ago, a tournament No-Limit Hold'em / Six Handed $ 2,500, Anton was just one of the 1378 participants who dreamed of glory. Day after day, the group fell more and more, first it was money, then the last day and last 22. Prizes increased as eliminations, then reached the final table. And Anton resist. Step by step, closer and closer to climax and after removing the third favorite Chris Moorman, Romania had a huge chance at success, even if Kovalchuk was Oleksii advantage. 8 million chips for Ukrainian, 2.3 for Anton, but the Romanian rapid doubling back into battle.
Moreover, management came to soon and take advantage of two million in front of Kovalchuk, but for Anton things took a turn nasty here. He missed several bluff's, the opponent was forced to give up several times heavy pots on the river, and soon found himself again Anton at the same disadvantage as before. Eloquent is a hand that raised preflop Anton, then bet the flop {6-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{9-Hearts} and was paid. When {10-Hearts} fell on the turn, Kovalchuk became the cunning of a check-raise, and the river, when {Q-Spades} was shown, Anton remained passive and finally threw the book in front of the opponent bet. It was the defining story for the last few massive pots and this brought a major disadvantage in Romanian.
It did not take long before the decisive hand. Faced with a raise to 150,000 chips, Anton said it all in for about 1.5 million chips and Kovalchuk did not even wait to talk to Romanian gate and announced that the Call.
Anton: {A-Hearts}{6-Spades}
Kovalchuk: {7-Hearts}{7-Clubs}
The situation was not favorable Romanians. Have only three choices to win the pot direct - the other three aces in the deck - and the flop {9-Spades}{5-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} set aside this possibility, offering a set of sevens of Kovalchuk. But if Anton could not hope for a savior as he could hope for a savior eights that he complete a straight. {10-Hearts} on the turn and then {10-Diamonds} river but not solutions. Kovalchuk had managed a full-house with them, even if no longer matter, and the bracelet will arrive in Eastern Europe, but not in Romania, but further north, in Ukraine.
If he had won the WSOP, John Anton became our first world champion in poker and it marked a new milestone in poker mioritic after in January came 3rd in the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure Main Event and won the Romanian Grand Prix in poker history.
Oleksii Kovalchuk
Oleksii Kovalchuk
In addition to his bracelet Kovalchuk were granted and the final table money. Here's who and how to win:
1Oleksii Kovalchuk$ 689.739
2Ionel Anton$ 428.140
3Chris Moorman$ 271.800
4Dan O'Brien$ 179.162
5Mazin Khoury$ 121.416
6Anthony Ruberto$ 84.549
Even if you missed the bracelet, Ionel Anton's performance, a heads-up to the World Series, remains one major. PokerNews Romania sent its congratulations on this result and, who knows, next time you may be able to give and great shot.

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