Member of Team Full Tilt Poker, Chris Ferguson, examines a bluff easily done in a no-limit hold'em game împottriva Mike Matusow in the Poker After Dark show.
I want to talk about a very strange hand I played last season on Poker After Dark. In this particular hand, playing against Mike Matusow and four friends in common. We are in a high stakes cash game with blinds $ 100 / $ 200 and an ante of $ 25 instead of the usual sit-n-go on Poker After Dark. Mike Matusow wanted to play a game seven-deuce ", where if one can manage to win 7-2, everyone pays a certain amount of money.
He wants to play for $ 500, but I do not really want. To make it meanders, however, accept to play on $ 250. He did not agree and said he should play for at least $ 500, so I refused. I know Mike, so I took the collimator and told me that they are stingy and ruin the game, telling me that I should want to play and that's it and ruin the mood, and other friends at the table.
When he started to make fun of me, I decided to make it a bluff the next time I catch a game 7-2 and hand the end. Not my style is something you never do. If you bluff, bluff want a book like four to five of spades, but 7-2 is a hand so weak. But for making fun of me, we already had everything planned and would make a major bluff at the earliest opportunity.
Here's the hand that happened. He is in second position and seems to have 
. Duke pot at $ 625 and I look at my books. 
, The perfect time to meet with a reraise, and we will throw all laugh quietly. Now I think I would amount to a bet. Normally, a typical re-raise raise three times the original site, so raise up to $ 2,000.

He decides to pay me and, of course, I wanted to win the pot right there in preflop. Basically I was caught here, but there remains room for maneuver. On Fri flop 

, Books that could avoid his hand. If you have a middle pair, I bet you will throw your hand, so I think that here I have to bet. I have a big nothing in hand, so I hope to catch the pot even here, to laugh and see us play.

Heaven pot was $ 2500 and approximately $ 4,000, so it is not so much a bet. He has aces, so I paid. Nines and a spade on the turn I cast away any hope of making a better hand. He passes the action and feel that I should try again a hit. It will be extremely difficult to pay me with many hands. I did a re-raise pre-flop, flop and so this might be my perfect book completed. This time I ask for $ 6,000, two thirds of the pot and a standard bet. I paid over and I'm not too happy. The situation is more complicated.
At any time during this hand, if Mike or I would have raised if he bet, I would have thrown the book after I made that initial raise. I did not want to take a lot of money in the bluff, but I felt that is the correct way to play. The river comes an eights and he makes two pair, but any jack that I could have - as I expected it to my game - would be devastating for Mike because it would give me straight. I thought I have to bet that once. We've been here, I can not quit now. We raised an additional $ 12,000, less than half the pot, asking me to throw the book.
I have been so much power in the hand that ought to be very difficult to pay me river. Even though he has two pairs that I feel is a valet. Can I have two best pairs. It is even difficult for him to pay me with two pairs. So I threw back his hand and bluff.
I thought that people at the table will be noisy, but actually became more silent.
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