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Monday, June 13, 2011

Best poker software and tools

Holdem Manager - Holdem Manager ReviewHave you ever wondered how often you manage to steal the blinds or hands it costs you the most money? Do not ask again, with Holdem manager can have an overview of your poker game I've ever had as never before.
Videos DeucesCracked Coaching - poker software reviewHave you ever dreamed of a poker pro as a teacher? DeucesCracked gives you the opportunity to learn directly from the biggest names in online poker.
Review Officialpokerrankings.com
PokerStove - poker software reviewNot every poker player is automatically a genius of mathematics, so complex calculations to determine whether or not you're favorite in a hand is something that many players would like to avoid. Now you can do, thanks PokerStove!
Poker Tracker 3 - Poker Software ReviewDays, in which players had to write notes about you based solely on their own memories of the sessions played, are long gone. With PokerTracker 3, is like having a personal poker assistant that does all the hard work to help you improve your game.
Nowadays, playing poker online has become very popular. One advantage to play on your own computer and not in a casino, is that you can use poker software and tools that can help improve your game and gain experience. In this section of PokerHarder, our editors have brought together some of the best software and tools used by the community of online poker . And of course we provide you with only the names of their poker software and tools but also reviews written by our editors once used them.
Many poker players online would like to bear in mind their statistics, the ratio between gains and losses, number of hands played, hands that have earned the most money and they cost the most.Instead of using a pencil and paper, you can use software that was created specifically for this purpose. Two of the best two tools are Poker Tracker and Holdem Manager , which can even communicate with your online poker room to watch your statistics are automatic. Even lets you see detailed information about your opponents in real time! Poker Tracker allows you also to keep hands account to Omaha Holdem . Want to know more about poker tools Poker Tracker and Holdem Manager? Make sure you read our reviews Poker Tracker 3 Holdem Manager.
Know your hand rates against the possible hands your opponents could be vital if you want to apply the winning poker strategies . Pros, with all the experience they have, I know many, if not all the odds (odds) by heart. However, if you're a rookie poker player can be a challenge to their learning.Fortunately, several tools can help you calculate these odds. Our editors have tested many of these and concluded that the best probability calculator is far PokerStove . Read our review about PokerStove and could immediately be convinced to use this great software!
Playing online poker tournaments is fun . Track your results in these tournaments and your ranking over other players around the world is even more fun. One of the tools created for this purpose is great website Officialpokerrankings.com . It communicates with the best online poker rooms to remove the automatic ranking of the load's online tournament, which will tell you how you're doing compared to other players, and also gives you an idea of ​​the skill level the opponents.

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