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Saturday, September 4, 2010

New day.

As couldn’t get asleep, in the fresh new morning, I had the pleasure to see this orange sunrise and I was thinking about that is a new day but rather a new beginning. And this makes me remember that we can’t go back and start a new beginning but we can start at any moment a new ending. This is a motivating view so I hope you like it as much as I do.  

The Expandables.

I recently heard of this movie from a friend and I was shocked from the amount of Hollywood big "stars" gathering under one single movie. And what even surprised me more is that is directed by Sylvester Stallone (made sense after I saw it). Anyway the cast is like this: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts, Randy Couture, Steve Austin, Mickey Rourke and some more.
The story is kind of simple: Barney Ross (played by Sylvester Stallone) is the leader of a mercenary’s team who does the “dirty” job for CIA, the mission to eliminate the leader of an army from some strange forgotten island. After accepting the mission, the leader and Jason Statham (as Lee Christmas) goes to investigate the area and Sylvester Stallone falls in love with the women who not only that was their guide but also the daughter  of the general they needed to kill. After escaping there with a lot of running and 41 killed soldiers, the leader decides to abandon the mission and the team members agreed because they believed that the same CIA hired them will also kill them after. But strangely, Stallone had a change of heart and decided to go back and save his girl, who didn’t wanted to go with them and was captured by the guy who paid the general to do what he wants, and his dear friends decided to join him in the mission.
After some very brutal and rude fight scenes and the entire general building blown up, he manage to save the girl from the hands of the evil guy and she still decided to stay there while he went back to his home without even kiss her or something. Just a friendly hug… after he took airplane thousands of miles and risked his life (was even shot). That’s some … tasteless story.
I think his a good Rambo actor, but maybe directing is not on the list of his talents. The film was just a mix of big names, not very mixed together and not very cooperating with each other like everyone had their film and this is just a mix of it and the story is kind of stupid, if you ask me. Oh, I didn’t mentioned the starting part where they saved don’t know what prisoners from don’t know what army that almost killed them… and they where shooting like crazy everywhere but still, they saved them.
And there is a part even much more stupid when Jason Statham comes home after a month and find his girlfriend with somebody else in the house. That happened before the investigating mission. After that he goes back to her, saw her bruise made from that guy he left her with, guy invited by that girl in the house (not for making cookies of course) and than he goes and beat the crap out of that guy and his 4 friends on a basketball field and told her “Now you know what I do for a living. I’m not perfect but you should have waited. I was worth it.” That’s the 3rd girl saw in the money after Barney’s love and a hooker in the begging. I think with that huge budget spent on muscles, not much left for feminine presents.
And you have the honor to see in the movie for a scenes (maxim 4 minutes) the terminator, the governator, the mister Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger and in the same scene the hard-to-kill Bruce Willis. Uuuh… so exciting!!! Not!
Most important of all, beside the fact the movie is packed with tons of tattoos, letter vests, arms, knifes, reflectors, berets and a lot of butchering, three single female characters (two whores and a saint that is the daughter of an evil dictator), stupid jokes (like the one in church from Bruce Willis : “You guys aren't gonna start suckin' each other's d*cks, right?”, referring to Stallone and Schwarzenegger ) and a very dumb story the most intriguing thing is that you ask yourself: where are the good guys? In one side we have some cold-blooded mercenaries that kill for millions of dollars not for world peace and from the other side their targets, in this case a cold blooded general with his army. So where is the balance here? I think nobody else could make some stupid overwhelmed masculine movie with a too big quantity of testosterone in the air more than Sylvester Stallone. But who knows, maybe Schwarzenegger will try to overtop him and I hope will not try this. Where the good movies at?
I think this movie should be called "Rambo and his friends" ... much more relevant. 

PS: They are so exagerating in trailer :))

Finding Me, Myself and I.

Is strange how sometimes feels like I don’t know me and sometimes I’m the most secured on my own strengths and abilities. Is strange how in some days I feel the most powerful man on earth and in other the weakest. Is strange how everything seems so damn easy in some days but in another I feel like I push two tones wall in front of me. Sometimes I feel like I can enjoy everything around me and many things I like and sometimes I just don’t like anything.
I just past through one of those strange periods when I just don’t want to feel, hear or know nothing. Maybe I just need a break. But I need something to do too. I think just how life has ups and downs so am I.
I learned in life that the biggest and the toughest fight is the one inside us. And the true winners are those who can win inside. And I think this blog is a way to talk to myself better. Could be, feels like that. Because I can’t say I care about someone reading this or not. I don’t want to care about somebody anymore. Not those unworthy.
I did some mistakes over and over again and every time told me not to do them anymore. Why I let my guard down so easily? I shouldn’t. I won’t.
I feel like an avalanche of emotions, sometimes good and sometimes bad. It’s hard to control myself in this kind of things, I can’t stop those emotions but at least I can choose what to think of. “It’s going to be ok” is the most repeated quote in my head. And I have no doubt of that.
I’m everything I want to be and even more. I’m a leader, a fighter, a human, a lover and a protector. Ooh and crazy too of course. Maybe i am a writer also but not sure about that. I’m blessed and I feel that every second of my life.
It’s strange how writing down feeling and thoughts feels so good. And what is stranger is how life can surprise you every time and bring you something new. I just got to keep pushing and wait… 

Patience is a virtue.

"No worries" is most of the times the only way to see dreams come true. It’s hard to be patient and to wait for results to appear but is a must. Waiting is like a test: do you hold your horses and wait for good weather for a safe road or just abandon and go back from where you started?
Probably this is a reason why you need to pick something you like to do, because if you don’t you don’t have that grip to hold on and resist. A search engine takes time to work out and make their magic and traffic needs time also to build. Brick by brick, this wall of fortune is slowly but safely building. You should think about something else and leave out your worries.
Worries bring only bad things, because it cause negative feelings and that lead to negative choices. And negative choices one after another result in a disaster.
I remember that I was always giving advices to people to think positive. I’m giving that advice even to me or more to me. Sometimes I become a little bit to much worried and that isn’t good at all. When I’m loosing my patience I always try to remember the thing about thinking positive and seeing the good part of the situation, than I try to turn myself to a better path, a much relaxed and safer one. Either way, at least I tried. And I always tell myself: if I lost something than probably I didn’t need it. But I never lost my experience after all the things I do, so if I look it this way I never lost everything but rather lost something and win something else. It’s like a quote from chemistry lessons when I was 14 years old, I don’t remember it exactly but said something like “in life nothing disappears but some things change shape”.
 It’s better to find yourself a motivation. So why are you doing it? Think about the reasons. Maybe you have a family to take care of, maybe you have a job that you don’t like and you want to make money out of something more enjoyable, maybe you are sick and tired about the fact that you can’t go in vacations and you spent too little time with your love ones because you have to go to the work and you just want that financial freedom that makes you happy. Find something or someone that motivates you and makes you keep pushing. Think about those who rely on you and deserve a better life. Or think about the people you could help if you’ve had more than you have now. No matter what keeps you focused and keeps you moving that should be your main concern now.
Don’t think that is not working, because it’s not true. It just needs patience and some more time. That’s all. Keep walking…

Ps: I’m not a drinker but I like the motto and emblem from Johnnie Walker.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Winner attitude.

It’s alright to have all the information you need, to make your plan right and all this things but sometimes isn’t enough. You must have a winner attitude, no matter what your financial state is at right now. There are people that got rich from poor with this attitude and are people that got poor from rich without it. And if I learned something really important in this life is that it’s more valuable what you have inside of you rather than what you have around you.
You maybe saw many types of people and surprised you in many way that some normal people with not so good paycheck still not letting someone tell him what to do, with a self-confidence so easy to remark that finally had to be a successful man.
I never worked a day of my life as an employed. I’m 20 years old and yet still managed to make a living untill now. Not a satisfying one yet, but still a living. And I didn’t had to listen a nut head to do this and that and be so badly paid as there are all people in my country. Here in my country the minimum wage is 100 Euros and the prices are sometimes higher than other countries. Believe me on that. You can’t live like this, no one can. But still many accept these conditions. Not me… I can’t. When I know I can do it much better from the comfort of my house or even if I have to leave the country to get hired in a normal one that won’t be a issue for me. In fact I’m so stubborn that I leaved my mother’s house at 14 years old because my step-father forced me to do what he wants and I couldn’t accept that. I went to my grandparents.
 Anyway, one day it happened something very shocking for me and that boost up my confidence in my own strength. I was sitting at car washing, where one of my friends used to work there, waiting him to finish the work so we could chat and I was sitting right next to a very nice car that was next one for washing. I didn’t do nothing special, just being myself, not impressed by the car that dude have. A friend of my friend that I didn’t knew came to the car wash, saluted him and because he didn’t knew me, he looked at me, looked at the car and asked “This is your car?” with a big smile on the face like “you lucky bastard”. I start laughing and said "no". Even if i can't afford one of those cars at this point I understood that day no matter what your financial state is now, it’s important to be a winner and to act like one. Self respect is too important and few people afford to have it. If you have it than be proud of it and let nobody take it from you. You will make a better living and you will succeed on your own strengths … but the real value is the one you have inside and remember that!
Search inside you and look after that inner strength and exploit it to the maximum. Give yourself the freedom to do and to say whatever you want, don’t think about the consequences. We are free to be what we want to be. Love your freedom, love your winner attitude and love life around you. Sometimes you have to appreciate little things to do the big ones! 

Right keywords: key of success.

I think there is no doubt for any web developer or web business holder that keywords are a fundamental element of success. You can have a very good business plan and a nice packed capital but if you don’t have the proper keywords you have a failure and vice versa.  
What’s with all these non-senses around keywords: keywords there and keywords there. The answer is stupidly simple: Google uses keywords to search site and sites uses keywords to be found. Is that simple.
Imagine that you live in a blind and the only things you know about the people around you are what they are telling you. After you make a decision from a first impression you may be disappointed or not but at least let’s say that every people are sincere so what they told you helped in finding something suitable for you.
But I first made you put yourself in a searcher position. It’s an easy task because it’s supposed to be like that. Now imagine you have to say something that characterizes you so that guy who can’t see you to make a clue about what he could find at you. What words will describe you best? What words represent you, entirely the way you are? You have to think about that for a while. It can be easy if you have a main occupation so you could say for example “writer” or “nurse”. But if you try to do many things and if you try to compete with those that have a much general area point that will make you life hard.
The keyword is like a quality of the website, if we think that website is a person. You have to show as much as you can that quality but not too many times because you can be irritating.
Generally I think every business have a shareable common sense. If you know how to run a business outside internet you can do it easily in here to. But that doesn’t mean that all people have entrepreneur spirit.
I think the most valuable advice about this and applies to everything in life is to love what you do. If you do it with pleasure, that’s a guaranteed success. If not, change it and look it after something more enjoyable.
Picking the right domain, the right keywords and even the right activity for me was always very hard. From some reason, I’m a very undecided type of person when it comes to something personal, choices or tastes. I think every man have some qualities that make him apt for some jobs and not that good at others. There are many that are doing their job without liking it and that it’s something wrong, but anyway… the point is that you have to mind-storm this part very well. Keywords are the root for your business, so after you pick your domain of activity go use Google tool for keywords and make some research. A successful niche is one wild, not very much exploited, with some valuable monthly clicks. There always will be some because of all those possible combination of words. Always will be one combination not so good used by advertisers. You would be a fool to take a fight with someone that will 100% beat you, because invested many bucks to stay there. It’s better to exploit a fresh niche, have patience and do your best to bake something good out of it.
It’s not hard, I think, but not very easy. Intuition serves a important role also.
Anyway, I just tried to make my point regarding this subject and if you got something to add or to ask I wait your feedback. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Joana's Horde Leveling Guide.

This is a topic familiar to those who play World of Warcraft. I have to admit that I am a horde player but didn’t plaid the game recently. Anyway, two years ago I was making some money power leveling characters because it was really fun for me and a nice “job” to do. I already knew the game very well, with all the spots and quests and everything but still, I wanted to become even faster than that. With so many quests around and so many possible zones I tough that it sure must be a good combination of quests order to get the maximum amount of experience with the minimum amount of the time. After a few research I found out about Joana’s horde leveling guide.
Who is Joana? That is his character name he plays, I don’t know his real name and it doesn’t even matter. The important issue is that he's a speed runner, so a professional player, that all his life dedicated to find the fastest way to finish a game. Well, that sure takes some skill. I only could be the slowest and undecided player on Earth that tried every possible classes and factions. But let’s get back to the guide. In my first view about it, I liked it so I decided to have one of those Joana’s horde leveling guides.
I have to admit that is not the fastest speed leveler from World of Warcraft for nothing and he reached maxim level on new servers, so fast that most players said he cheats. For example, he got to level 60 in 4 days and 20 hours /played time. And that is a record! How? He has a foolproof quests route that gives him or anybody else the most convenient amount of xp in the fastest way. I talk about in many situations about quests that share the same area, so mostly you don’t walk for one quest but for more at a time. Of course the most indicated class for power leveling is the hunter, but you can use this guide with any other class. Won’t be a problem.
So this Joana’s horde leveling guide provide you the route he designed to be the fastest in leveling including maps, helping videos where you can see him at action and even coordinates to find mobs much more easier in-game.
From the first use you can easily tell that is made by a pro and a man who really loves this game and put a lot of work in his guide. He put so much passion in what he does that even Blizzard hired him to just keep doing his work and speed leveling on new servers! And that’s something…
As for me I found that guide really helpfully, with all the information you need and much easier to level up that waiting for instances or doing solo quests randomly. And besides that, it makes it much funnier and enjoyable. Because I have to admit I just couldn’t stand to grind all over again … is just so boring. And his guide was a proper solution for me.
Anyway, if you want to find more about Joana’s horde leveling guide just click here and you have so much more information about the guide and the owner on his site.
You got some picks too:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Google loves originality. Me too.

I think a web searcher’s nightmare would be to use Google search and instead of many solution of the same problems he looks after finds same page duplicated over and over again. But don’t worry, Google want you to sleep very well. So the search engine looks after duplicate content pages and eliminates those from Google search list. I think it’s a win-win situation. First off, you know that even somebody duplicates you, can’t get your traffic deserved and at the same time a searcher will find many diversity in googling.
That is a golden rule in internet success that makes the big difference. Besides using proper SEO rules, proper advertise, good page placement etc your content must be original. That is not to obey the rules of the search engine but even more it should have a big touch from your personality, to have that visitors hook-up you need. Why? Because people without even realize something that is made with hard-work sweating time or something that is just made for “let it be there”. Doesn’t matter what you do but how much soul you put in it and this is no exception!
Think it this way: you are a internet user and one day want to read articles about your favorite band. Sure, at the bottom, the information is the same, no matter who wrote it or how. But I guarantee you that you will prefer a funny guy that like the band as much as you do and wrote the article rather than a paid professional article writer, even if you don’t know who wrote what. You will feel in the first part that touch of happiness and joy because that guy made that article with his soul, being direct affected by that band you look for. And maybe on his site you will find many other things related to your band because probably is a fan site rather than a music magazine who just up everything around and the main concern of them is to give you the information quicker and as much as it could be. Anyway this is just a supposition.
Talking about real facts, every content you publish should be hand-made. It is better to learn how to write articles and I make you sure that you’ll find a ton of articles that teach you that get a program with auto-correction and you good to go. When comes to inspiration, World Wide Web is a big database where you can find anything you want. Maybe that’s why is harder to create an own identity out there. For that you got to work hard, to start squeezing more of you in that content and try to outcome yourself every new single time. 

Pablo Francisco Stand-up.

It’s time for comedy again. No matter how bad I feel or even tired I always cheer up when I watch one of his stand-ups. Pablo Francisco, after my opinion, is a genius of comedy, a really showman. And I think the most obvious and surprising elements are the sounds he makes it with his own voice. This is something like a beatboxer combined with ventriloquist in a very funny way.
I discovered him something like 4 years ago when me and a couple a friends watched the entire show. From than i keep watching it when i’m in a bad mood or i want to laugh my @ss out :))
I recommend you to see the full show not just the part bellow. No more words, let the show begin! Enjoy 

Money online out of nothing.

No more Childs play around here. It’s time to talk some serious business. There is a old saying “the rich get richer and the poor gets poorer” and it’s true with one specification: the poor can get rich, with a lot of work of course, but important part it’s that he can.
World wide web represent a major Hotpoint regarding business opportunities because you can easily get audience all over the world and sell products online, sell your ideas, your work and even your entertainment. So basically, someone from Pakistan for example can do the same amount of money online as a European or American dude, or even more! And that, my friends, means evolution.
Internet is just a big market that waits to be exploited if you know how to see it and use its power for your own income. But how you can do that for free?
Very easy: there a thousand of ways nowadays to start something without a dime. You can open a blog free with our fellow here BlogSpot, a forum free and even a site with no cost. After you open your business there are a lot of methods to get traffic for free and the most important from what I see is to use the right combination of keyword to attract traffic from Google search engine. And ofc, it’s free!
Just follow these steps:
1. The idea.
This is the most important part of the entire project. And why is that? Because the idea of the business are like the roots of a plant… you can have the best soil in the world but if the plant doesn’t have proper roots to take advantage of the soil nutriments it won’t grow at all. Basically there are tons of ideas and niches already exploited but you have to choose the right one for you. I mean you really have to love your idea, to be something that you love to do or you love to read about or simply represent you because pleasure is the key of success. If you like what you do, you’ll have success, no doubt.
My pleasure, for example, is to discus, to help people solve their problems and to inspire minds by presenting my way of processing things. Is something that I always did and I’ll always do. Theoretically, I can do whatever I want, because either I have the knowledge to do it but in the main time I can learn very fast something without any kind of training. Although I get bored very quick of almost anything. So at least, I can teach others because that never get’s me bored.
So find something suitable for you that feel good when you do it where when you think or write about it.
2. Finding the niche.
So you got your idea, now you need your proper niche to exploit. Let’s say for example, you like cars very much and you thinking about making a website with cars pictures, news, help topics etc. From start I’m telling you, the biggest mistake you can do is to try to compete with the monster owners of these topics. I mean you can’t compete with a heavy rated magazine or car dealer, because they invested huge amounts of money to be in top and you can’t bring them down if you don’t invest even more. So what is the solution? Find a much specific niche, rather than a general one. So you will not pick your niche “sports cars” because you don’t have a chance, but if you pick “Sedan based coupes sport cars” you sure got a very good niche. The way to test your niche is type it in Google with the “” on and if you see many paid advertise than you pick another one, because that mean that keywords are very much exploited and many site owners pay big buck to have their advertise showed there. If you see only a paid advertise or even better, none… there you have it. A proper niche to follow.
3. Check your competition.
Don’t be to over trustful in yourself, documentation is another key of success. After you found your niche, check out the first 5 websites that appear on search and see what is your competition. Your goal is to be somewhere there, so you have to be better than those sites. If those sites are general sites that have an article regarding your keywords than it’s easy to beat.
4. Exploit your niche.
For that you will use the SEO powers to help you. Not only you will have your site focused entire on your keywords and you write only in the range of those words but you will also include those keywords in your site link, because that will help you very much to be in top of the search list! Even if it’s a long link, as long as it use all your keywords from your niche the Google search engine will automatically considerate your site the best solution for those searching words and your site will boom to the top. And believe me, nothing compares with the free, unstoppable traffic that Google search engine generates. Besides that, it give you the right traffic for you topic. 90% of the people who searched with those words will find at least interesting what you give them there, if the subjects of your articles are to the point. And you know how to keep your fresh new traffic, you can get some loyal costumers, believe me.
5. Give your visitors what they look for. Respect them!
You got your subject, you got your niche and soon after the business starts you got your free traffic too. From now on, you have to make sure that your traffic gets what they looking for. Even if they are looking for information or a product, you make sure that they receive what they looking for. Keep your business nice looking, with professional touch, without spelling mistakes, make it more attractive with images in the right places and if you use adsense, don’t place your ads somewhere to annoy and kinda force your visitors to click. Make it reasonable, they know you making money out of them so want some respect. Respect your visitors and make their visit a pleasant stay.
So the beauty and respect are other essential elements for success.
6. Work, work, work!
You wanted something free? You have to work now. Post articles, search articles, do research about how you can improve traffic, go to sites that might bring you traffic and expose your link and whatever you can do to make it better. Google it out and work, work, work!

I’m not the kind of guy that talks but doesn’t do nothing, so I’m gonna show you an example of site niche I tried and had some positive results and raising. My choice niche was full tilt poker review. So I did all the steps above and the result was this blog. It’s a review of Full Tilt poker and gives you the possibility to receive a very nice poker starter bonus. And for those who sign up under my name, I get commission from their amount of money plaid in game lifetime.
Once started the blog, from 2010 may to 2010 September, I got 112 unique clicks as you can see in the image bellow. 
It’s not too much you think, but most of the clicks where made from those who was seeking poker software to play and I got over 90 sign-ups under my affiliate name. And I will get commissions from how much they play lifetime! Maybe until now I didn’t made much, but I know soon I will. Because more traffic you get, more sign-up than more affiliate commission. That means money online out of nothing! And i didn't worked at that blog since release.

"About nothing"

I got the best idea ever. I got the answer for world hunger, the foolproof plan to conquer the world, the most brilliant solution of all problems… or maybe just the subject of this blog.
I remembered now my favorite comedy show called “Seinfeld”. From start I’m gonna say, who’s not loving it is really a dumb@ss… its brilliant. Anyway, I remember one time, don’t know what episode and season, but they went to a producer to make a comedy show out of them. And George got a numbing answer to the question “what will your show be about?” and he said: “… nothing…” with arms in a posture that’s saying “erm, I’m a genius or what?”
I think it’s a good idea for me too. Because I have to many ideas for too many reasons and I can talk endless hours about a subject that is as common as eating a pie, I have to make my blog about nothing! And I’m gonna talk about everything, but it’s about nothing. Got it?
Anyway, whatever my mood status is, I’m happy now. In fact I’m always happy. And I’m gonna share my happiness with everybody in this little place of sharing ideas in a typing mode.

I would really like to see again “Seinfeld”. I’m gonna share with you a funny clip from it. Enjoy!

I wanna laugh today. BIG time.

It doesn’t matter the reason. I just wanna laugh about everything around :)) and I can get a lot of reasons. In the crazy world I live exists a stupid world too. And it’s funny how people can be so stupid.
Sometimes laughing is an anesthetic. Today is not a exception. You had any of those days when you feel like you are high, when even a simple and usual thing makes you laugh real hard? Like you are smoking weed. Well today is one of those days for me. I think is so stupid and funny even the idea of this blog :)) and the fact I am writing in it. Why I am doing it? I lost my mind? :)) oh oh oh.. I know now. Too many ideas to not share with others. Yea man, that’s it. I got the secret :)) now I can rule the world!
Ok now I’m bored. I have to make fun out of something. Oh I got it… social network sites. 
Hm… that, my friend, I have to admit, is the most useless thing on this Earth. Why? First of all, what happens there, nobody take it serious :)) serious now. You can talk whatever, you can say whatever…. You can even say you killed your grandmother and buried in your yard and you still receive a comment like “hey dude, check out my new pics and give me a comment. I will leave one back, asap. Peace”. I think at some point you can even post pictures with that and still nobody taking it serious “nice pictures man. From what site you got them?”
Well you communicate it sais … pf. Sheesh man, we got cell phone, and Skype and even messenger :o why I would communicate on a site? Ok, it’s a nice part with the pictures (you can see her ugly @ss before is too late and reject her asap =))).
And why I would change my moods 2317 times a day? (“ooh I lost my kitten :( please God help me find it” , “where could it be? :((““why mee??? :((“… Well in all that time wasted in site you probably would found it already). Anyway as a clue, I think is the most stupid and useless invention ever! Get a life mother!uc!ers :))
I don’t know if I talked serious above, so don’t ask! :D

Coffee addiction

As I waked up in the morning (well… afternoon), sit down at my pc, opening this blog page and asking myself “what should I write about” my attention was instantly brought to my cup of coffee. :D And it’s not a small cup! I love coffee. I don’t know how much energy really gave me, because of caffeine or because the huge amount of sugar (:D) but I just love it. I like to enjoy it long time, with a lot of milk and sugar. I drink it really sweet. It’s my only addiction.
I don’t smoke, I don’t like alcohol more than a beer once in a while, I don’t do drugs (yet =))), I can live without my friends (why I said that?) … anyway.. But don’t take my coffee away. You could get killed. You can take everything from me... I don’t care. But leave my pride and my coffee :)).
Ok now seriously... what’s with this black and smelly drink? It’s made from a plant (obvious) called coffee cherry. Ok, not from the entire plant, just from the seeds that is roasted in a special way. There are many types of methods that give certain flavors, like beer making. As nothing can compete with German cars nothing can compete with Brazilian coffee :D
I’m really enjoining it … my addiction.
Anyway let’s enjoy together a cup of coffee even with a heart in it. Isn’t that sweet? Well… not sweeter than my coffee :D

My rap beats

One of my oldest and favorite dreams was to be a rap singer. And I expressed that love for music in producing until now. In fact, I recently installed Reason 4 and I have to say I’m clearly impressed. Comparing to Fruity Loops, the latest software I used for rap beats, it’s much more complex and that means it gives you much more freedom. And art without freedom doesn’t exist. But I have to recognize, it’s a little bit harder to figure it out, only until you make one beat. After that you get easily used to it.
So I installed the software, than I installed a virtual piano called Bome’s Mouse Keyboard and I was ready to go. Usually when I do things I like, I have something like boost-periods. That means that in some periods of time I have a huge mood for doing something and that time I really have to just do it, without wasting time around. As you can tell by now, i don’t like too much wasting time. As I was saying, I installed these software, figure it out and than started making some beats.
In two days I made two beats and decided to upload them on a beat market site. Maybe I won’t sell any beat but at least I can show them up from somewhere safe, where can’t be stole or something. It’s still my work and I really like so much “imma win” … it reflects my mentality and my style and I think it’s kinda banging too. The first beat is kinda too simple, but deserve a little credit for being to first one with reason 4.
Anyway if I’m gonna make others I will be clearly better. And I will try to work out the mix better… feels kinda boring especially the first beat. But you can leave a feedback too :D

Cry babies ...

“abububububu… I can’t do anything. Why me? Why always me? Abubububuu…. I’m such a cry baby that I don’t do anything and complain about how my life sucks so hard when I do nothing to change it” …

Arcchhh….. I can’t stand this kind of people. Well, let me get it straight for you, dipper heads, if you want something than you do something to get it, god damn it! So much weeping around it and telling about how pathetic is your life, how unlucky you are. My dear, you are pathetic, not your life. You need a mentality change. All humans have the power to do whatever they want, to get whatever they need and there is no limit… you just must have the will power to fight and make it happen. It’s easy to give up; it’s hard to go on. I always felt that on my own in a very rough mode. My father died one month before I was borned, my step-father beat the skin out of me when I was a kid, my entire childhood felt like army recruiting camp, I moved from city to city and from school to school so much that at 14 years old I had to make new friends but still I don’t sit around and cry about my past. Don’t live in your past, don’t dream in your future... focus your attention on present. Because present, my friend, is the MOST important thing you have.
You don’t know if you will be a tomorrow or a second chance to do something. Do it NOW! If you can do something now, whatever that thing is, just do it! Don’t waste your time, because time is precious. And when you sit around and cry like a baby, you waste very much time and your happiness could even smack you in your face and you can’t see it. You are so focus to see the empty site of your glass that you can’t see somebody or something else. And that, my friend, is really a shame! Heads up!

Ps: that picture really made me laugh :))))

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

First of all, I love hip-hop! I love music and above all... I really love Eminem. Is my favorite rapper and mentor and what do you want.. But now I’m just sick and tired about the song Love the way you lie. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the song before was so popular and I will love it so much after. But right now, when I see it for 23432423 times on TV, drives me crazy.
You see I have a real problem here: I don’t like to be a sheep! At all! I mean, for example… when Prison Break was so popular in my country and everybody saw it and they talked about it and a Scofield fever I didn’t even wanted to hear about it. I was like:

Friend: Hey dude, do you watch Prison Break?
Me: No…
Friend: Why not? Is really awesome. I recommend you to watch it, it changed my life dude!
Me: not interested.
Friend: C’mon man, you gotta see it. We all watch it. You don’t even know how it is… why you don’t give a try?
Me: I said NO!
Friend: Why not man?
Friend: …

After the fever was gone I watched it and really enjoy, it’s a great movie. But why I didn’t watch it at that point? Because I don’t want to do what everybody does. I just make my own set of rules and my own world and I don’t want NOBODY to be like me. I’m the one! I’m unique… that’s the way I feel good about life. That’s the way I am...
So right now.. I’m really sick and tired about this song. But after you tards stop the fever, I’ll enjoy it again.
Anyway… kinda sad story in it. :D