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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I wanna laugh today. BIG time.

It doesn’t matter the reason. I just wanna laugh about everything around :)) and I can get a lot of reasons. In the crazy world I live exists a stupid world too. And it’s funny how people can be so stupid.
Sometimes laughing is an anesthetic. Today is not a exception. You had any of those days when you feel like you are high, when even a simple and usual thing makes you laugh real hard? Like you are smoking weed. Well today is one of those days for me. I think is so stupid and funny even the idea of this blog :)) and the fact I am writing in it. Why I am doing it? I lost my mind? :)) oh oh oh.. I know now. Too many ideas to not share with others. Yea man, that’s it. I got the secret :)) now I can rule the world!
Ok now I’m bored. I have to make fun out of something. Oh I got it… social network sites. 
Hm… that, my friend, I have to admit, is the most useless thing on this Earth. Why? First of all, what happens there, nobody take it serious :)) serious now. You can talk whatever, you can say whatever…. You can even say you killed your grandmother and buried in your yard and you still receive a comment like “hey dude, check out my new pics and give me a comment. I will leave one back, asap. Peace”. I think at some point you can even post pictures with that and still nobody taking it serious “nice pictures man. From what site you got them?”
Well you communicate it sais … pf. Sheesh man, we got cell phone, and Skype and even messenger :o why I would communicate on a site? Ok, it’s a nice part with the pictures (you can see her ugly @ss before is too late and reject her asap =))).
And why I would change my moods 2317 times a day? (“ooh I lost my kitten :( please God help me find it” , “where could it be? :((““why mee??? :((“… Well in all that time wasted in site you probably would found it already). Anyway as a clue, I think is the most stupid and useless invention ever! Get a life mother!uc!ers :))
I don’t know if I talked serious above, so don’t ask! :D

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