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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Money online out of nothing.

No more Childs play around here. It’s time to talk some serious business. There is a old saying “the rich get richer and the poor gets poorer” and it’s true with one specification: the poor can get rich, with a lot of work of course, but important part it’s that he can.
World wide web represent a major Hotpoint regarding business opportunities because you can easily get audience all over the world and sell products online, sell your ideas, your work and even your entertainment. So basically, someone from Pakistan for example can do the same amount of money online as a European or American dude, or even more! And that, my friends, means evolution.
Internet is just a big market that waits to be exploited if you know how to see it and use its power for your own income. But how you can do that for free?
Very easy: there a thousand of ways nowadays to start something without a dime. You can open a blog free with our fellow here BlogSpot, a forum free and even a site with no cost. After you open your business there are a lot of methods to get traffic for free and the most important from what I see is to use the right combination of keyword to attract traffic from Google search engine. And ofc, it’s free!
Just follow these steps:
1. The idea.
This is the most important part of the entire project. And why is that? Because the idea of the business are like the roots of a plant… you can have the best soil in the world but if the plant doesn’t have proper roots to take advantage of the soil nutriments it won’t grow at all. Basically there are tons of ideas and niches already exploited but you have to choose the right one for you. I mean you really have to love your idea, to be something that you love to do or you love to read about or simply represent you because pleasure is the key of success. If you like what you do, you’ll have success, no doubt.
My pleasure, for example, is to discus, to help people solve their problems and to inspire minds by presenting my way of processing things. Is something that I always did and I’ll always do. Theoretically, I can do whatever I want, because either I have the knowledge to do it but in the main time I can learn very fast something without any kind of training. Although I get bored very quick of almost anything. So at least, I can teach others because that never get’s me bored.
So find something suitable for you that feel good when you do it where when you think or write about it.
2. Finding the niche.
So you got your idea, now you need your proper niche to exploit. Let’s say for example, you like cars very much and you thinking about making a website with cars pictures, news, help topics etc. From start I’m telling you, the biggest mistake you can do is to try to compete with the monster owners of these topics. I mean you can’t compete with a heavy rated magazine or car dealer, because they invested huge amounts of money to be in top and you can’t bring them down if you don’t invest even more. So what is the solution? Find a much specific niche, rather than a general one. So you will not pick your niche “sports cars” because you don’t have a chance, but if you pick “Sedan based coupes sport cars” you sure got a very good niche. The way to test your niche is type it in Google with the “” on and if you see many paid advertise than you pick another one, because that mean that keywords are very much exploited and many site owners pay big buck to have their advertise showed there. If you see only a paid advertise or even better, none… there you have it. A proper niche to follow.
3. Check your competition.
Don’t be to over trustful in yourself, documentation is another key of success. After you found your niche, check out the first 5 websites that appear on search and see what is your competition. Your goal is to be somewhere there, so you have to be better than those sites. If those sites are general sites that have an article regarding your keywords than it’s easy to beat.
4. Exploit your niche.
For that you will use the SEO powers to help you. Not only you will have your site focused entire on your keywords and you write only in the range of those words but you will also include those keywords in your site link, because that will help you very much to be in top of the search list! Even if it’s a long link, as long as it use all your keywords from your niche the Google search engine will automatically considerate your site the best solution for those searching words and your site will boom to the top. And believe me, nothing compares with the free, unstoppable traffic that Google search engine generates. Besides that, it give you the right traffic for you topic. 90% of the people who searched with those words will find at least interesting what you give them there, if the subjects of your articles are to the point. And you know how to keep your fresh new traffic, you can get some loyal costumers, believe me.
5. Give your visitors what they look for. Respect them!
You got your subject, you got your niche and soon after the business starts you got your free traffic too. From now on, you have to make sure that your traffic gets what they looking for. Even if they are looking for information or a product, you make sure that they receive what they looking for. Keep your business nice looking, with professional touch, without spelling mistakes, make it more attractive with images in the right places and if you use adsense, don’t place your ads somewhere to annoy and kinda force your visitors to click. Make it reasonable, they know you making money out of them so want some respect. Respect your visitors and make their visit a pleasant stay.
So the beauty and respect are other essential elements for success.
6. Work, work, work!
You wanted something free? You have to work now. Post articles, search articles, do research about how you can improve traffic, go to sites that might bring you traffic and expose your link and whatever you can do to make it better. Google it out and work, work, work!

I’m not the kind of guy that talks but doesn’t do nothing, so I’m gonna show you an example of site niche I tried and had some positive results and raising. My choice niche was full tilt poker review. So I did all the steps above and the result was this blog. It’s a review of Full Tilt poker and gives you the possibility to receive a very nice poker starter bonus. And for those who sign up under my name, I get commission from their amount of money plaid in game lifetime.
Once started the blog, from 2010 may to 2010 September, I got 112 unique clicks as you can see in the image bellow. 
It’s not too much you think, but most of the clicks where made from those who was seeking poker software to play and I got over 90 sign-ups under my affiliate name. And I will get commissions from how much they play lifetime! Maybe until now I didn’t made much, but I know soon I will. Because more traffic you get, more sign-up than more affiliate commission. That means money online out of nothing! And i didn't worked at that blog since release.

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