“abububububu… I can’t do anything. Why me? Why always me? Abubububuu…. I’m such a cry baby that I don’t do anything and complain about how my life sucks so hard when I do nothing to change it” …
Arcchhh….. I can’t stand this kind of people. Well, let me get it straight for you, dipper heads, if you want something than you do something to get it, god damn it! So much weeping around it and telling about how pathetic is your life, how unlucky you are. My dear, you are pathetic, not your life. You need a mentality change. All humans have the power to do whatever they want, to get whatever they need and there is no limit… you just must have the will power to fight and make it happen. It’s easy to give up; it’s hard to go on. I always felt that on my own in a very rough mode. My father died one month before I was borned, my step-father beat the skin out of me when I was a kid, my entire childhood felt like army recruiting camp, I moved from city to city and from school to school so much that at 14 years old I had to make new friends but still I don’t sit around and cry about my past. Don’t live in your past, don’t dream in your future... focus your attention on present. Because present, my friend, is the MOST important thing you have.
You don’t know if you will be a tomorrow or a second chance to do something. Do it NOW! If you can do something now, whatever that thing is, just do it! Don’t waste your time, because time is precious. And when you sit around and cry like a baby, you waste very much time and your happiness could even smack you in your face and you can’t see it. You are so focus to see the empty site of your glass that you can’t see somebody or something else. And that, my friend, is really a shame! Heads up!
Ps: that picture really made me laugh :))))
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