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Friday, September 3, 2010

Right keywords: key of success.

I think there is no doubt for any web developer or web business holder that keywords are a fundamental element of success. You can have a very good business plan and a nice packed capital but if you don’t have the proper keywords you have a failure and vice versa.  
What’s with all these non-senses around keywords: keywords there and keywords there. The answer is stupidly simple: Google uses keywords to search site and sites uses keywords to be found. Is that simple.
Imagine that you live in a blind and the only things you know about the people around you are what they are telling you. After you make a decision from a first impression you may be disappointed or not but at least let’s say that every people are sincere so what they told you helped in finding something suitable for you.
But I first made you put yourself in a searcher position. It’s an easy task because it’s supposed to be like that. Now imagine you have to say something that characterizes you so that guy who can’t see you to make a clue about what he could find at you. What words will describe you best? What words represent you, entirely the way you are? You have to think about that for a while. It can be easy if you have a main occupation so you could say for example “writer” or “nurse”. But if you try to do many things and if you try to compete with those that have a much general area point that will make you life hard.
The keyword is like a quality of the website, if we think that website is a person. You have to show as much as you can that quality but not too many times because you can be irritating.
Generally I think every business have a shareable common sense. If you know how to run a business outside internet you can do it easily in here to. But that doesn’t mean that all people have entrepreneur spirit.
I think the most valuable advice about this and applies to everything in life is to love what you do. If you do it with pleasure, that’s a guaranteed success. If not, change it and look it after something more enjoyable.
Picking the right domain, the right keywords and even the right activity for me was always very hard. From some reason, I’m a very undecided type of person when it comes to something personal, choices or tastes. I think every man have some qualities that make him apt for some jobs and not that good at others. There are many that are doing their job without liking it and that it’s something wrong, but anyway… the point is that you have to mind-storm this part very well. Keywords are the root for your business, so after you pick your domain of activity go use Google tool for keywords and make some research. A successful niche is one wild, not very much exploited, with some valuable monthly clicks. There always will be some because of all those possible combination of words. Always will be one combination not so good used by advertisers. You would be a fool to take a fight with someone that will 100% beat you, because invested many bucks to stay there. It’s better to exploit a fresh niche, have patience and do your best to bake something good out of it.
It’s not hard, I think, but not very easy. Intuition serves a important role also.
Anyway, I just tried to make my point regarding this subject and if you got something to add or to ask I wait your feedback. 

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