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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Patience is a virtue.

"No worries" is most of the times the only way to see dreams come true. It’s hard to be patient and to wait for results to appear but is a must. Waiting is like a test: do you hold your horses and wait for good weather for a safe road or just abandon and go back from where you started?
Probably this is a reason why you need to pick something you like to do, because if you don’t you don’t have that grip to hold on and resist. A search engine takes time to work out and make their magic and traffic needs time also to build. Brick by brick, this wall of fortune is slowly but safely building. You should think about something else and leave out your worries.
Worries bring only bad things, because it cause negative feelings and that lead to negative choices. And negative choices one after another result in a disaster.
I remember that I was always giving advices to people to think positive. I’m giving that advice even to me or more to me. Sometimes I become a little bit to much worried and that isn’t good at all. When I’m loosing my patience I always try to remember the thing about thinking positive and seeing the good part of the situation, than I try to turn myself to a better path, a much relaxed and safer one. Either way, at least I tried. And I always tell myself: if I lost something than probably I didn’t need it. But I never lost my experience after all the things I do, so if I look it this way I never lost everything but rather lost something and win something else. It’s like a quote from chemistry lessons when I was 14 years old, I don’t remember it exactly but said something like “in life nothing disappears but some things change shape”.
 It’s better to find yourself a motivation. So why are you doing it? Think about the reasons. Maybe you have a family to take care of, maybe you have a job that you don’t like and you want to make money out of something more enjoyable, maybe you are sick and tired about the fact that you can’t go in vacations and you spent too little time with your love ones because you have to go to the work and you just want that financial freedom that makes you happy. Find something or someone that motivates you and makes you keep pushing. Think about those who rely on you and deserve a better life. Or think about the people you could help if you’ve had more than you have now. No matter what keeps you focused and keeps you moving that should be your main concern now.
Don’t think that is not working, because it’s not true. It just needs patience and some more time. That’s all. Keep walking…

Ps: I’m not a drinker but I like the motto and emblem from Johnnie Walker.

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