This is a topic familiar to those who play World of Warcraft. I have to admit that I am a horde player but didn’t plaid the game recently. Anyway, two years ago I was making some money power leveling characters because it was really fun for me and a nice “job” to do. I already knew the game very well, with all the spots and quests and everything but still, I wanted to become even faster than that. With so many quests around and so many possible zones I tough that it sure must be a good combination of quests order to get the maximum amount of experience with the minimum amount of the time. After a few research I found out about Joana’s horde leveling guide.
Who is Joana? That is his character name he plays, I don’t know his real name and it doesn’t even matter. The important issue is that he's a speed runner, so a professional player, that all his life dedicated to find the fastest way to finish a game. Well, that sure takes some skill. I only could be the slowest and undecided player on Earth that tried every possible classes and factions. But let’s get back to the guide. In my first view about it, I liked it so I decided to have one of those Joana’s horde leveling guides.
I have to admit that is not the fastest speed leveler from World of Warcraft for nothing and he reached maxim level on new servers, so fast that most players said he cheats. For example, he got to level 60 in 4 days and 20 hours /played time. And that is a record! How? He has a foolproof quests route that gives him or anybody else the most convenient amount of xp in the fastest way. I talk about in many situations about quests that share the same area, so mostly you don’t walk for one quest but for more at a time. Of course the most indicated class for power leveling is the hunter, but you can use this guide with any other class. Won’t be a problem.
So this Joana’s horde leveling guide provide you the route he designed to be the fastest in leveling including maps, helping videos where you can see him at action and even coordinates to find mobs much more easier in-game.
From the first use you can easily tell that is made by a pro and a man who really loves this game and put a lot of work in his guide. He put so much passion in what he does that even Blizzard hired him to just keep doing his work and speed leveling on new servers! And that’s something…
As for me I found that guide really helpfully, with all the information you need and much easier to level up that waiting for instances or doing solo quests randomly. And besides that, it makes it much funnier and enjoyable. Because I have to admit I just couldn’t stand to grind all over again … is just so boring. And his guide was a proper solution for me.
Anyway, if you want to find more about Joana’s horde leveling guide just click here and you have so much more information about the guide and the owner on his site.
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