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Friday, September 3, 2010

Winner attitude.

It’s alright to have all the information you need, to make your plan right and all this things but sometimes isn’t enough. You must have a winner attitude, no matter what your financial state is at right now. There are people that got rich from poor with this attitude and are people that got poor from rich without it. And if I learned something really important in this life is that it’s more valuable what you have inside of you rather than what you have around you.
You maybe saw many types of people and surprised you in many way that some normal people with not so good paycheck still not letting someone tell him what to do, with a self-confidence so easy to remark that finally had to be a successful man.
I never worked a day of my life as an employed. I’m 20 years old and yet still managed to make a living untill now. Not a satisfying one yet, but still a living. And I didn’t had to listen a nut head to do this and that and be so badly paid as there are all people in my country. Here in my country the minimum wage is 100 Euros and the prices are sometimes higher than other countries. Believe me on that. You can’t live like this, no one can. But still many accept these conditions. Not me… I can’t. When I know I can do it much better from the comfort of my house or even if I have to leave the country to get hired in a normal one that won’t be a issue for me. In fact I’m so stubborn that I leaved my mother’s house at 14 years old because my step-father forced me to do what he wants and I couldn’t accept that. I went to my grandparents.
 Anyway, one day it happened something very shocking for me and that boost up my confidence in my own strength. I was sitting at car washing, where one of my friends used to work there, waiting him to finish the work so we could chat and I was sitting right next to a very nice car that was next one for washing. I didn’t do nothing special, just being myself, not impressed by the car that dude have. A friend of my friend that I didn’t knew came to the car wash, saluted him and because he didn’t knew me, he looked at me, looked at the car and asked “This is your car?” with a big smile on the face like “you lucky bastard”. I start laughing and said "no". Even if i can't afford one of those cars at this point I understood that day no matter what your financial state is now, it’s important to be a winner and to act like one. Self respect is too important and few people afford to have it. If you have it than be proud of it and let nobody take it from you. You will make a better living and you will succeed on your own strengths … but the real value is the one you have inside and remember that!
Search inside you and look after that inner strength and exploit it to the maximum. Give yourself the freedom to do and to say whatever you want, don’t think about the consequences. We are free to be what we want to be. Love your freedom, love your winner attitude and love life around you. Sometimes you have to appreciate little things to do the big ones! 

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